Under new plan, Hong Kong’s rural election candidates may have to sign form pledging allegiance to China
Hong Kong Free Press, June 13, 2018
No gov’t investigation into Mong Kok unrest following sentencing of localist Edward Leung, says Hong Kong leader
Hong Kong Free Press, June 13, 2018
Law Society trailblazer to speak her mind
The Standard, June 13, 2018
HKSAR LegCo finishes second reading of XRL co-location bill
Xinhua, June 13, 2018
EN: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-06/13/c_137251534.htm
CH: http://www.xinhuanet.com/2018-06/13/c_1122981729.htm
立會通過一地兩儉草案二讀 五民主派議員被驅離會議廳 (LegCo finishes second reading of XRL co-location bill, 5 pan-democracy members kicked out of chamber)
Think Hong Kong, June 13, 2018
http://www.thinkhk.com/article/2018-06/13/27518.html警員到立法會蒐證 梁君彥指有職員執勤受傷感遺憾 (Police arrive at LegCo to gather evidence, Andrew Leung regretful about injured staff members)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 13, 2018
http://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1401556-20180613.htm毛孟靜對警方到會議廳蒐證表示非常遺憾 指惡人先告狀 (Claudia Mo disappointed about police officers gathering evidence inside LegCo chamber: “The thief cries thief”)
Radio Television Hong Kong, Juen 13, 2018