The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Commentary (评论)

How democracies can fight authoritarian sharp power
Foreign Affairs, August 16, 2018

新华日报:建议工资按比例缴生育基金 不生二胎退休取 (Recommendation: To increase the fertility rate, pay wages in proportion to the maternity fund)
Xinhua, August 16, 2018

How China’s new aircraft carriers will shape regional order
The Diplomat, August 15, 2018

#MeToo has arrived and China’s environment sector must respond
China Dialogue, August 16, 2018