The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

外交部重申堅決反對外部勢力干預香港事務 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates its resolute opposition to external forces intervening in Hong Kong affairs)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 7, 2018

警隊爆 Metoo 醜聞 女警指控男上司搖動下半身露猥瑣笑容 (Hong Kong police force caught in #MeToo scandal)
The Stand News, August 5, 2018警隊爆-metoo-醜聞-女警指控男上司搖動下半身露猥瑣笑容

Cease threats against Foreign Correspondents’ Club, press groups tell former Hong Kong leader CY Leung
South China Morning Post, August 7, 2018

Ex-Hong Kong leader heightens pressure on journalists’ group
The New York Times, August 7, 2018

Student protester carried airgun for “self defense”, court hears
South China Morning Post, August 7, 2018

The odd-job volunteers “fixing” Hong Kong politics
Taipei Times, August 8, 2018

囚菲港人鄧龍威胞兄請願 望政府提供鄧出境紀錄 (Family of Hong Konger jailed in Philippines petitions for border exit records to support case in final appeal)
Ming Pao, August 7, 2018

Failed asylum seekers left in limbo as countries drag their feet on helping Hong Kong deport 2,000
South China Moring Post, August 7, 2018

過百觀塘外判清潔工罷工6小時 抗議食環署嚴苛管理 (Outsourced FEHD cleaning-workers hold strike for 6 hours in protest of harsh management), August 6, 2018

外傭團體聯署促調升薪金 另盼訂明每日休息11小時 (Civil society organizations petition for minimum wage adjustment, mandatory 11-hour break for foreign domestic workers)
Ming Pao, August 7, 2018

調查:八成受訪者指零散工收入不足應付開支 團體促修例保障權益 (Alliance for Casual Workers urges legislative protection for day laborers)
Ming Pao, August 5, 2018