Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet about to leave Hong Kong after visa denial
South China Morning Post, October 12, 2018
林鄭月娥稱外國記者簽證關乎有否遵守基本法及本地法律 (Carrie Lam: Foreign journalist’s visa approval is linked to compliance with Basic Law and local laws, media’s platform for pro-independence is disrespect to government)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 12, 2018
政府將為市民提供數碼個人身份 保密下取得某些資料 (Hong Kong gov’t to expand electronic services and digital IDs for citizens, will collect big-data under appropriate privacy protection)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 11, 2018
【馬凱被逐】曾參與主權移交談判 英國前外相:主權移交協定尊嚴岌岌可危 促港府撤回決定 (Former U.K. foreign secretary says integrity of handover agreement “sits on a knife’s edge,” urges HK gov’t to rescined visa denial decision)
The Stand News, October 11, 2018
國歌法草案草擬近尾聲 本立法年度交立法會審議 (National anthem bill to be submitted to LegCo within year)
The Stand News, October 11, 2018