人类自由指数排行榜 中国位列第135名(China ranks 135th among 162 in Human Freedom Index)
Voice of America, December 11, 2018
Canadian said to be detained in China, Huawei CFO due back in court
Reuters, December 11, 2018
【中國報復?】加拿大前外交官被中國拘留 曾駐香港北京工作 (Former Canadian diplomat detained in China as officials threaten "consequences" for Huawei's CFO)
The Stand News, December 11, 2018
Tibet gets a warmer reception as world wakes to Beijing’s methods
Sydney Morning Herald, December 11, 2018
University of Michigan to end agreement with Confucius Institute next year
University Record, December 10, 2018
Will China dare challenge the UDHR?
Le Monde Diplomatique, December 10, 2018
Chinese couple hope to be reunited with daughter snatched by officials 32 years ago
South China Morning Post, December 10, 2018
大赦国际:中国的社会信用体系是监控错位(Amnesty International calls for vigilance against Chinese social credit system’s challenge to human rights standards),br> Deutsche Welle, December 10, 2018
西安235名党员干部因涉黑涉恶腐败问题被处理(235 party cadres in Xi'an punished due to corruption)
People's Daily, December 10, 2018