“Trojan horse”: Hong Kong’s China extradition plans may harm city’s judicial protections, say democrats
Hong Kong Free Press, February 13, 2019
港男在台杀女案:放宽引渡限制提议引政治打压忧虑 (Proposal to amend extradition arrangements stirs worries of political suppression)
BBC News, February 13, 2019【專訪】政府倡容單次移交逃犯到大陸 吳靄儀質疑違人權公約 憂無23條也可被移交治罪 (Margaret Ng questions extradition law amendments as violation of human rights treaties; lack of fair trial and convictions outside of Art. 23)
The Stand News, February 13, 2019郭榮鏗引述李家超稱已展開與內地就逃犯安排協議商討 (Security chief has already begun talks with mainland China on fugitive extradition arrangements, issue is not open for public consultation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 13, 2019
More than 70 per cent of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong work over 13 hours a day, Chinese University survey shows
South China Morning Post, February 13, 2019