Explainer: How Hong Kong’s 'self-learning, open source’ protest movement decides what to do next
Hong Kong Free Press, September 11, 2019
In Hong Kong’s leaderless movement, officials don't know who to negotiate with
Bloomberg, September 10, 2019
醫療界報章刊實名聯署 轟警濫暴違人道 促回應訴求「搶救香港」(“Rescue Hong Kong”: Medical sector petition in front-page ad in Apple Daily highlights police use of force in violation of humanitarian principles, reiterates protesters’ 5 demands)
Stand News, September 11, 2019
反釋法遊行 吳文遠林朗彥判囚14天緩刑1年 林淳軒等6人判服務令 (Avery Ng, Ivan Lam, other activists handed suspended sentences, community service orders for 2016 protests against Beijing interpretation of Basic Law)
Ming Pao, September 11, 2019
【逃犯條例】27學者高官聯署促獨立調查警用過度武力 籲示威者和平表達訴求 (27 scholars and former senior government officials urge independent investigation into police use of force, ask protesters to express demands peacefully)
Ming Pao, September 10, 2019
高院拒絕郭卓堅司法覆核 指無權迫特首設調查委員會 (Courts have no power to force Chief Executive to set up commission of inquiry, says judge in rejecting judicial review application)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 11, 2019
Hong Kong protests: Ex-head of Ontario police watchdog dismisses concerns about suitability to join probe into force’s handling of unrest and defends his impartiality
South China Morning Post, September 11, 2019
US lawmakers introduce bill to stop tear gas sales to Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, September 11, 2019
US Congress cannot become ‘stakeholder’ in Hong Kong affairs, says leader Carrie Lam amid sanctions threat
Hong Kong Free Press, September 10, 2019
Demonstrators boo Chinese anthem at football qualifier
Al Jazeera, September 10, 2019
【睇片】遍地開花 多區市民自發高歌「願榮光歸香港」(“Glory to Hong Kong”: Protest song sung across Hong Kong at night)
Stand News, September 10, 2019
Hong Kong police issue extendable batons to off-duty officers, but critics concerned over potential for abuse
Hong Kong Free Press, September 10, 2019
警方設 10 條反暴力熱線 接收「止暴制亂」匿名報料 只收 whatsapp 不聽電話 (Police set up 10 “anti-violence” Whatsapp numbers to receive anonymous tips against protests)
Stand News, September 10, 2019