Hundreds return to Hong Kong’s streets to demand release of protesters trapped on PolyU campus
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019
拒解封理大 林鄭:包圍屬執法行動、須堅守法治 警談判成員合適時間才進校園 (Carrie Lam refuses to order police to retreat, says siege is law enforcement in operation)
Stand News, November 26, 2019Hong Kong protests: police to send negotiators and psychologists to PolyU to convince holdouts to come out
South China Morning Post, November 25, 2019'Little kittens': Hong Kong campus protest holdouts left isolated and fearful
Reuters, November 25, 2019
林鄭月娥指正考慮成立獨立檢討委員會檢視社會動盪成因 (Carrie Lam says she is considering an independent "review" committee to look into reasons for social unrest)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 26, 2019
Hong Kong District Council election: No concessions, but gov’t will reflect and improve, says Chief Exec. Carrie Lam
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019
蒙面黑衣人撐黃傘廣告被禁 產業署指內容可引起不安 何慶基:赤裸裸的政治刪禁 (Authorities ban poster of theatre performance depicting people with yellow umbrellas in ancient Japan)
Stand News, November 26, 2019
逾廿個國際人權組織去信巴切萊特 要求譴責港府及警隊 (Over 20 international human rights organizations issue joint statement to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urging condemnation on police and Hong Kong authorities)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 26, 2019
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Condemn Systematic Violations of Fundamental Freedoms in Hong Kong & Police Violence
Amnesty International, November 25, 2019World’s Top Human Rights Official Must Uphold Her Mandate and Press for Human Rights Protection for the People of Hong Kong
Human Rights in China, November 22, 2019
廣告人發起 12.2 起罷工五日 冀其他行業響應向政府施壓 (Advertising industry to strike for five days from December 2, urges others to join)
Stand News, November 26, 2019
Hong Kong Doesn’t Have a Pro-China ‘Silent Majority’
The Atlantic, November 25, 2019
Meet 5 of Hong Kong’s Newest Politicians
The New York Times, November 25, 2019
‘Nonlethal weapons’ fired at protesters in Hong Kong, Chile and Iraq are having very dangerous — even deadly — effects
Washington Post, November 23, 2019