傘運勇武派為少年重上前線:覺得欠咗佢哋 ("Radical" in Umbrella Movement returns to frontlines for younger comrades: "I owe them")
Citizen News, December 3, 2019
除了購物,香港人還想在商場看連儂牆、討論時事 (Malls as a public space: Other than shopping, Hong Kongers want to see Lennon Walls and discuss current affairs in city's shopping malls)
The Initium, December 3, 2019
李家翹:世界城市與國家領土性——香港,面對著怎樣的中國?(Global city and territoriality: What kind of China is Hong Kong dealing with)
The Initium, December 2, 2019
China Releases Professor, But Travel Concerns Persist: A recent detention has implications for China-Japan relations
The Diplomat, December 2, 2019
Why We Should Not Condemn Violence by the Hong Kong Protesters
China Change, December 1, 2019
理大圍城之戰 (In depth: The siege of Poly U)
The Initium, November 29, 2019
Hong Kong: Sometimes you have to fight for freedom
The Times, November 28, 2019