50蒙面人梨木樹拆連儂牆 街坊稱遭追打 (Residents say they were chased and beaten as 50 masked individuals demolished Lennon Wall in Kwai Chung; police made no arrests, and helped attackers get taxis)
Ming Pao, January 8, 2020
Opposition to LGBT+ legal rights in Hong Kong at historic low – CUHK survey
Hong Kong Free Press, January 8, 2020
Hong Kong protests: district council sets up task force to investigate mob attack at Yuen Long MTR station
South China Morning Post, January 7, 2020
Tough to find people to join review committee on police behaviour, says Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam
Hong Kong Free Press, January 7 2020林鄭月娥︰不應走獨立調查委員會這條路 ("We should not walk down the path of an independent commission of inquiry," says Carrie Lam)
【元朗 7.21】建制組織成員法院外聲援 61 歳被告 斥林卓廷「勾引」白衫人犯法 (Pro-establishment groups rally to show support for seven people charged for participating in Yuen Long attacks, saying democratic legislator "seduced" white-clad attackers into breaking the law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 7, 2020
Stand News, January 7, 2020
旺角衝突暴動罪成在囚 盧建民攝影集料 2 月面世 部分收入捐 612 基金、星火等 (Lo Kin-man, photographer jailed for 7 years in 2016's "Fish Ball" protests, publishes photo album to raise funds for protests and appeal)
Stand News, January 7, 2020
‘I will fight tyranny’: Newly-elected Hong Kong localist, 25, becomes chair of North District Council
Hong Kong Free Press, January 7, 2020
葵青區議會唱《願榮光》 譴責警暴促林鄭下台 建制離席抗議 (Kwai Ching District Council sings "Glory to Hong Kong" in first meeting, condemns police violence and urges Carrie Lam to step down)
Inmediahk.net, January 7, 2020民建聯「議會監察」四成員旁聽南區區議會 盼全新定位破舊立新 (Pro-Beijing party DAB sets up group to sit-in and monitor district council meetings and functions after defeat in elections)
Inmediahk.net, January 7, 2020