纽约悼念李文亮:要言论自由、要真相 (Commemoration of Li Wenliang in New York: Seeking freedom of expression, truth)
Voice of America, February 10, 2020
Death of whistleblower ignites calls for political reform in China
Agence France-Presse, February 9, 2020
The Right to Freedom of Speech Starts Today — An Open Letter to the National People’s Congress and the NPC Standing Committee
China Change, February 7, 2020The China Human Rights Lawyers Group’s Proposal to Declare February 6 ‘People’s Day of Truth’
Rare revolt in China in name of martyred coronavirus doctor
China Change, February 7, 2020
The Telegraph, February 7, 2020
不少武漢人拍短片求助信息 維權組織設群組揭如何自救 (Wuhan residents trapped in quarantine send video messages asking for help, rights group rallies citizens to coordinate relief efforts)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 10, 2020