Losing Track of Time in the Epicenter of China’s Coronavirus Outbreak
The New York Times, February 6, 2020
Coronavirus doctor dies of heart attack after working 10 days straight
Independent, February 7, 2020
新冠疫情带来的人道灾难和次生灾难 (The humanitarian crisis and secondary disaster triggered by the coronavirus outbreak)
Deutsche Welle, February 6, 2020
方舱医院医疗、后勤资源严重短缺 恐致人道灾难 (Shortage of medical supplies and resources in Wuhan's capsule hospitals is brewing a humanitarian disaster)
Radio Free Asia, February 6, 2020
Taiwan, China argue over flights for stranded Taiwanese in Wuhan
Channel News Asia, February 7, 2020
The WHO can’t seem to figure out what to call Taiwan in its coronavirus updates
Quartz, February 6, 2020
中国要求意大利取消停止直航决定 意同意临时恢复部分商业航班 (Chinese government demands Italy to reverse decision to cancel direct flights, Italian government agrees to reinstate commercial flights)
Reuters, February 7, 2020