Hong Kong parliament in chaos as politicians fight for chair
The Guardian, May 8, 2020
香港立法會內會風波:李慧琼登主席台重開會議,民主派議員被逐 (Storm in LegCo Committee: Starry Lee Wai-king restarts session by taking over the chair, and expels democratic members)
The Initium, May 8, 2020
Hong Kong police arrest 10 people after fight broke out at a Lennon Wall over political differences
South China Morning Post, May 8, 2020
【和你sing】ifc百人聚集 逾100警入商場驅散 記者中胡椒噴劑 (Hundreds of police storm into Central's shopping mall, disperse protesters and pepper spray journalists)
HK01, May 8, 2020