Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong says no more int’l lobbying as democrats reply to gov’t election questions
Hong Kong Free Press, July 27, 2020
Hong Kong gov’t grills 9 pro-democracy election hopefuls on political stance as candidates prepare for disqualification
Hong Kong Free Press, July 26, 2020
政治風雲失教席 邵家臻非首個 其中一人更曾教過游蕙禎 (Bottle Shiu Ka-chun and “Godfather of localism” are among teachers fired in a political storm)
HK01, July 27, 2020
接受《大公報》專訪 海關關長鄧以海:守衛國安做到銅牆鐵壁 關員將受國安法培訓 (Hermes Tang, Commissioner of Customs and Excise of Hong Kong, in Tai Kung Pao interview: Custom agents to go through training to build an iron wall to safeguard national security)
The Stand News, July 27, 2020