人不在中國,就能放心用中國App?德國商店引進微信支付與支付寶,情報單位警告有風險 (Can one rest assured using Chinese apps outside of China? German intelligence agency warns risks to stores accepting WeChat Pay or AliPay)
The News Lens, July 17, 2020
國安法壓港 VPN 服務商 TunnelBear 將撤走港伺服器 ProtonVPN:香港列作高風險地區 (Under National Security Law, VPN provider TunnelBear to remove servers from Hong Kong, and ProtonVPN lists Hong Kong as high-risk region)
The Stand News, July 17, 2020
美司法部长讲话全文:硅谷与好莱坞应停止叩头 抵抗中共腐败独裁统治 (Full text of U.S. Attorney General’s speech: Silicon Valley, Hollywood should stop kowtowing to and start resisting CPC’s corrupt dictatorship)
Voice of America, July 17, 2020
Video: Attorney General Barr’s remarks on china policy at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential museum
U.S. Department of Justice, July 16, 2020
费加罗:中国间谍强大攻势 (Figaro: Powerful offensive of Chinese spies)
Radio France International, July 17, 2020