Hong Kong democracy movement wins Freedom Award
Apple Daily, September 11, 2002
Hong Kong prosecutor faces justice department probe after email on plans for banned Tiananmen Square vigil
South China Morning Post, September 11, 2020
女/性別平權團體及區議員致鄧炳強公開信:強烈譴責警方違反國際公約,濫用武力壓制女童、孕婦及女性市民 (Open letter from women’s/gender equality groups, district councilors to Police Commissioner: Strongly condemn police violation of international conventions in use of force to suppress girls, pregnant women, and other female citizens)
inmediahk.net, September 11, 2020
警拘21歲TG群組女管理人 涉煽惑參與未經批准集結 (Police detain 21-year-old woman who manages Telegram group for inciting participation in unauthorized assembly)
inmediahk.net, September 11, 2020
香港民研:63%受訪者反對「香港從沒三權分立」 學者指政府說法衝擊社會共識 (Hong Kong public opinion poll shows 63% of respondents disagree with "Hong Kong never had separation of powers"; scholars say gov’t position goes against social consensus)
inmediahk.net, September 11, 2020