China Charges Hong Kong Activists Caught Fleeing to Taiwan
New York Times, December 16, 2020
【12港人】已成年10人被正式起訴 有家屬盼可豁免14天檢疫到場聽審 (Hong Kong 12: 10 adults formally charged; families hope to attend hearing, exempt from quarantine), December 16, 2020
Hong Kong social worker cleared of obstructing police during 2019 demo
Hong Kong Free Press, December 16, 2020
周庭保釋遭拒 高院今頒理由:以儆效尤判監正確 社服令或緩刑非考慮之列 (High court explains Agnes Chow bail denial: Prison sentence is correct; community service or probation was never considered), December 16, 2020
Hong Kong civil servants begin making loyalty oaths
Radio France Internationale, December 16, 2020
香港政府强逼香港公务员宣誓效忠(Hong Kong gov’t forces civil servants to swear allegiance)
Radio Free Asia, December 16, 2020
This is the year Hong Kong began speaking the Communist Party’s authoritarian language
Quartz, December 16, 2020
居港美作家政治新書被禁賣 嘆國安法逼出版界自我審查 續批評時弊 新書轉台灣出版 (U.S. writer speaks out on self-censorship in Hong Kong under NSL, as publisher breaks contract, bookstore chain declines to carry book)
The Stand News, December 16, 2020