The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong passes bill to censor films ‘contrary’ to China’s national security – HK$1m fine, 3 years jail for offenders
Hong Kong Free Press, October 27, 2021

Hong Kong protests: construction worker acquitted of rioting charge as black attire ‘not enough to prove involvement’ in violence
South China Morning Post, October 27, 2021

地盤工阻警追疑犯罪成囚7月 官:被告供辭不盡不實「顯然是大話」(Construction worker sentenced to 7 months in jail for obstructing police pursuit of suspect)
Ming Pao, October 27, 2021

理大生藏武罪成囚13個月 准保釋「軟禁」住所逾一年半 官:不會扣減刑期(After 1.5-year house arrest, PolyU student is sentenced to 13 months in prison for possessing offensive weapons), October 27, 2021

New blow for vigil alliance
The Standard, October 27, 2021

支聯會剔出公司登記冊 李家超:「結束一黨專政」綱領等同顛覆國家政權 (Chief Secretary John Lee says "end one-party dictatorship" dictum is equivalent to subversion of state power)
Ming Pao, October 27, 2021

【12港人】遭加控妨礙司法公正罪 8人押後至12月再訊(Hong Kong 12: 8 face additional charge of perverting the course of justice; case adjourned until December), October 27, 2021

【潘朵拉文件】英、加議員關注港官當地資產 致函外長要求審計(In letters to foreign ministers, lawmakers in UK, Canada urge audits of assets held by HK gov't officials)
Stand News, October 27, 2021

Overhaul of Hong Kong’s legal aid system could be implemented by year’s end, despite lawyers’ concerns
South China Morning Post, October 26, 2021