National security law: veteran Hong Kong activist Koo Sze-yiu arrested for allegedly inciting subversion
South China Morning Post, February 4, 2022
古思堯涉「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」被捕 今早原定到中聯辦抗議冬奧 (Activist Koo Sze-yiu, arrested on suspicion of "inciting subversion of state power" had planned to protest Winter Olympics at the Liaison Office), February 4, 2022
鄒幸彤第15次申請保釋被拒 官拒安排下次開庭日期 (Chow Hang-tung, former vice chair of Hong Kong Alliance, is denied bail for the 15th time; judge rejects request to set new trial date)
Ming Pao, February 4, 2022
Ahead of Winter Olympics, Beijing Moves to Quash Dissent
The New York Times, February 4, 2022