外交部批英國打「法官牌」 圖以政治手段破壞香港司法(China's foreign ministry criticizes UK for playing the "judge card" to undermine Hong Kong's judiciary by political means)
Ming Pao, March 31, 2022
特首:有合理理由懷疑兩名法官辭任有政治考慮(Chief Executive: There are reasonable grounds to suspect political consideration in resignations of 2 UK judges)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 31, 2022大律師公會質疑兩終院非常任法官辭任或涉政治壓力 籲公眾對港法治保持信心(Hong Kong Bar Association suspects political pressure in resignations of 2 non-permanent judges, urges public to maintain confidence in HK's rule of law)
Ming Pao, March 31, 2022Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Resignation of UK Supreme Court Judges as Non-Permanent Judges of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
Hong Kong Bar Association, March 30, 2022
Australian, Canadian judges to stay on Hong Kong top court after 2 UK judges quit citing security law
Hong Kong Free Press, March 31, 2022
China has very few women in power despite a commitment to gender equality
South China Morning Post, March 31, 2022