Hong Kong’s privacy watchdog takes down 90 per cent of social media posts deemed to constitute doxxing under new law
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2022
私隱公署:不便披露會否封鎖Telegram 已要求移除近4,000起底訊息(HK’s Privacy Office: Will not disclose whether it will block Telegram, but has requested removal of nearly 4,000 messages)
inmediahk.net, June 13, 2022
反修例運動後永久離港或意圖永久離港者 將DQ領消費券資格(Those who leave or intend to leave HK permanently after anti-extradition amendment protests will be disqualified from receiving consumer vouchers)
inmediahk.net, June 13, 2022
9.29反極權遊行 警員稱被告被制服時反抗 雖與片段不符但否認虛構證供(9.29 anti-totalitarian parade: Police maintain defendant resisted while being subdued and deny fabricating evidence despite discrepancy between their claim and video clip)
inmediahk.net, June 13, 2022