唐吉田律师关注组通报一:唐吉田律师被强迫秘失踪、秘密羁押已达十个月,身心健康遭到严重摧残(2022年9月9日)(Lawyer Tang Jitian Concern Group: 10 months of enforced disappearance, secret detention have seriously damaged Tang’s physical and mental health)
Weiquanwang, September 12, 2022
解决提出问题的人 新疆伊犁拘留4人散播疫情谣言(Xinjiang Ili police detain 4 for spreading rumors about COVID-19 pandemic)
Radio Free Asia, September 12 2022
Five Hong Kong speech therapists jailed for conspiracy to 'brainwash' children with cartoons
Reuters, September 10, 2022
香港「羊村繪本案」五人各判囚19個月,被告稱無悔站在羊的一方(Defendant in sheep books case sentenced to 19 months in prison: No regret standing on the side of the sheep)
Initium Media, September 10, 2022
Founder of ‘revolutionary’ Hong Kong protest group Returning Valiant pleads guilty to conspiring to incite subversion
Hong Kong Free Press, September 10, 2022
支聯會涉煽動顛覆案 裁定控方有足夠證據將案交高院
(Magistrates judge in Tiananmen vigil group subversion case rules prosecution's evidence is sufficient for case to go to High Court)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 9, 2022
Hong Kong court to hear if law against inciting others to cast invalid votes is constitutional
Hong Kong Free Press, September 9, 2022
涉FB轉載許智峯貼文 前中大學生會長否認煽惑投白票 爭議條例合憲性(On sharing former Legco member Ted Hui’s Facebook post urging public to cast blank votes, former leader of CUHK students union pleads not guilty on inciting others to violate election rules, contends the rules’ constitutionality)
Inmediahk, September 9, 2022
9.29政總外衝突 9人判囚3年半 兩學生判入教導所 官寄言勿自棄日後報答親友(9 involved in rioting outside gov’t headquarters on September 29, 2019, are sentenced to 3.5 years in prison, 2 to training centers)
Inmediahk, September 9, 2022
港大研究:去年15歲以下青少年自殺率升至歷史新高(HKU research shows record high suicide rate among youths)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 10, 2022