China passes new women's protection law, revamped for first time in decades
Reuters, October 30, 2022
中国修订妇女权益保障法 聚焦性别歧视和性别暴力(China amends women's rights protection law focusing on gender discrimination and gender violence)
Deutsche Welle, October 31, 2022《中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法》全文来了!(Full text of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests)
Women of China, October 31, 2022
二十大后各地供销社快速崛起 北京总社高标准招聘公务员(After 20th CPC National Congress, local supply and marketing cooperatives are rapidly rising; Beijing’s head office recruits civil servants with high standards)
Radio Free Asia, October 31, 2022
China’s zero-Covid policy leaves experts at a loss with no definite end in sight
South China Morning Post, October 31, 2022
圖書館中小學生寫作賽增國安條款 楊潤雄:提醒勿違法(National security clause added to library writing competition for primary and secondary school students; Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism Kevin Yeung: Remind not to break the law)
Ming Pao, October 29, 2022