中国多地“清零”抗议活动三个要点分析:特别之处、直接后果和政治影响 (Analysis of three key points of anti "zero COVID policy" protests in China: Special features, direct consequences and political impact)
BBC News, November 28, 2022
国事光析: 权利、共情、勇气 —— 对“白纸革命”的三点初步观察 (Rights, Empathy, Courage - Three Preliminary Observations on the "White Paper Revolution")
Voice of America, November 28, 2022
Xi unlikely to tolerate dissent as momentous protests shake China
The Guardian, November 27, 2022
China: Government must not detain peaceful protesters as unprecedented demonstrations break out across the country
Amnesty International, November 27, 2022
The West must be prepared to face the growing global reach of China’s laws
South China Morning Post, November 25, 2022
Curiouser and curiouser: Hong Kong’s public discourse has a flavour of Alice in Wonderland these days
Hong Kong Free Press, November 27, 2022