The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

刘飞跃被加控“为境外非法提供国家秘密罪” (“Illegally leaking state secrets abroad” added to website founder Liu Feiyue’s charges)
Radio Free Asia, August 16, 2017

就因吴淦开庭余文生2017年8月12日至14日被软禁一案 余文生向有关部门提起控告 (Lawyer Yu Wensheng sues local authorities for putting him under house arrest on the day of Wu Gan’s trial)
Weiquanwang, August 16, 2017

Liu Xia has left Beijing, relatives told, rights group says
Hong Kong Standard, August 16, 2017

瞿明学向甘肃省人民检察院提起控告 要求立案追究涉案人员徇私枉法、破坏选举的刑事责任 (Qu Mingxue files accusation against Gansu Provincial People’s Procuratorate, requesting investigation into favoritism and criminal responsibility for sabotaging elections)
Weiquanwang, August 16, 2017

限制维权人士行动有新招 张宝成半月两度被指“吸毒”(New tactics to limit actions of human rights activists: Zhang Baocheng accused of “taking drugs” for second time this month)
Radio Free Asia, August 16, 2017

新疆温泉哈萨克族牧民被秘判12年 (Kazakh herdsman sentenced to 12 years in Wenquan, Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, August 15, 2017

丈夫大陆被拘,妻子奔走联合国呼吁救人 (Wife appeals to United Nations to rescue husband detained in mainland)
Radio Free Asia, August 16, 2017