The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

709人权律师王全璋出狱遭强制“隔离检疫”后仍无自由 (Human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang is still far from freedom after being forced into “quarantine and isolation” following formal release from prison as part of the “July 9” crackdown)
Voice of America, April 19, 2020

公安部党委委员、副部长孙力军被查 (Deputy Public Security Minister and Party Committee Member Sun Lijun under investigation)
Beijing News, April 19, 2020

三名福州公民遭判刑 因放鞭炮迎接维权人士出狱 (Three Fuzhou citizens given prison sentences for lighting firecrackers in celebration of a rights defender being released from prison)
Radio Free Asia, April 17, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

北京须回应国际间要求调查其隐瞒疫情问题的最新呼吁 (Beijing must respond to the latest call from the international community demanding it answer for concealing key issues about the epidemic)
Voice of America, April 20, 2020

“People have been awakened”: seeking Covid-19 answers in Wuhan
The Guardian, April 19, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Explainer: Beijing’s five-day crackdown on Hong Kong’s opposition during covid-19
Hong Kong Free Press, April 20, 2020

Hong Kong police arrest Martin Lee, 13 other pro-democracy figures
Radio Free Asia, April 18, 2020

眾志調查:中聯辦在港擁逾 700 物業 兩成傘運後購入 黃之鋒:反映勢力正擴張 (Demosistō Report: The Liaison Office own more than 700 properties in Hong Kong, 20% are purchased after the Umbrella Movement; Joshua Wong: China is expanding their political power in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, April 20, 2020

美英及国际团体谴责港警大规模拘捕民主人士 (U.S., UK, and other members of the international community condemn Hong Kong police for the mass arrests of pro-democracy advocates)
Voice of America, April 19, 2020

民陣稱已入紙申請辦7.1大遊行 不會因4.18大搜捕退縮 (Civil Human Rights Front submits application for this year’s July 1 march, refuses to back down because of the 4/18 arrests
Ming Pao, April 19, 2020

15 Hong Kong pro-democracy figures arrested in latest police round up
Hong Kong Free Press, April 18, 2020

中聯辦稱兩辦不受基本法22條所限 港府:中聯辦須遵守基本法及香港法律 (Although the Liaison Office has stated explicitly it is not subject to limitations in Article 22 of the Basic Law, the Hong Kong government continues to state that "the Liaison Office should follow the Basic Law and Hong Kong law" in its latest webpage revision)
Ming Pao, April 18, 2020

Commentary (评论)

How to read the 4/18 mass arrests in Hong Kong
Jerome A. Cohen's Blog, April 19, 2020

Beijing’s latest outrageous crackdown on Hong Kong freedoms
New York Post, April 19, 2020

How China’s authoritarian system made the pandemic worse
Washington Post, April 17, 2020