The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Conviction of Pu Zhiqiang affirms China’s resolve to muzzle rights lawyers
The New York Times, December 22, 2015

Lawyer or not, Pu Zhiqiang broke the law
China Daily, December 23, 2015

王军涛:判浦志强三年缓三年是给他六年“紧箍咒” (Overseas rights defender Wang Juntao: Three-year suspended sentence to Pu Zhiqiang is six years of stranglehold on him)
Radio France Internationale, December 22, 2015中国/20151222-王军涛:判浦志强三年缓三年是给他六年“紧箍咒”

浦志强罪名成立获刑 法国媒体反应强烈 (Pu Zhiqiang convicted and sentenced, French media react heatedly)
Radio France Internationale, December 22, 2015中国/20151222-人权律师浦志强被宣判法国媒体反映强烈

美国务院促中国立即无条件撤销对浦志强的定罪 (U.S. Department of State urges China to revoke the conviction of Pu Zhiqiang unconditionally)
Voice of America, December 23, 2015

Statement by the Spokesperson on the sentencing of Chinese Human Rights lawyer, Mr Pu Zhiqiang
European External Action Service, December 22, 2015

Access to Information (信息公开)

Journalist says China may expel her for article on Uighurs
The New York Times, December 22, 2015

State media accuses detained labour activists of litany of offences
South China Morning Post, December 23, 2015

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

China slaps travel ban on dissident writer, Tibet scholar
Radio Free Asia, December 21, 2015

先捕后批 中国加强打压工运人士 (Arrest before accusation, China reinforces clampdown on labor activists)
Deutsche Welle, December 22, 2015先捕后批-中国加强打压工运人士/a-18935363

Government Accountability (政府问责)

中国医改的下一步怎么走?采访:FT中文网公共政策主编刘波 (What next for China's medical reforms? Interview with Liu Bo, Financial Times chief editor of public policy)
Financial Times, December 23, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

香港学运领袖黄之峰:做好入狱准备 (HK student movement leader Joshua Wong says he is prepared for prison)
Voice of America, December 23, 2015

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

美国称中国反恐法“弊大于利” (U.S. says China's counterterrorism law has more cons than pros)
Deutsche Welle, December 22, 2015美国称中国反恐法弊大于利/a-18933993

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

《纽约时报》:2015,中国多难之年 (New York Times: 2015 a hazardous year for China)
Radio Free Asia, December 22, 2015