A rare form of quartz is key to Xinjiang’s solar boom, and almost all of it is in the US
South China Morning Post, October 26, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Xinjiang (新疆)
Access to Information (公众知情权)
China Targets Extreme Internet Fandoms in a New Crackdown
Wired, October 26, 2021
国家网信办拟规范互联网用户账号名称信息,六类情形被禁止 (CAC to regulate online account names, banning 6 “situations”)
The Paper, October 26, 2021
又甩锅美国龙虾?牛津专家揭亲中社媒账号新冠虚假信息攻势 (Oxford expert: China's fake news accounts are blaming COVID on U.S. lobsters)
Voice of America, October 26, 2021
Government Accountability (政府问责)
As the rest of the world abandons ‘Zero Covid,’ China holds out.
The New York Times, October 26, 2021
中国驻欧使馆频频出手 阻碍文化界活动 (Chinese embassies in European countries frequently interfere in cultural events)
Voice of America, October 26, 2021
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics (2022北京冬奥)
Why the Beijing Winter Olympics are facing political pressure
Bloomberg, October 26, 2021
Commentary (评论)
Chinese Censorship Is Going Global
Foreign Policy, October 26, 2021
黃雪琴:“哪有记者不发声” (Independent journalist Huang Xueqin: What journalists won’t speak up?)
NGOCN, October 26, 2021
维权评论:全国律协禁止“违规炒作”,律师再上紧箍咒! (Weiquanwang Commentary: All China Lawyers Association further restricts lawyers by banning “illegal hyping”)
Weiquanewang, October 26, 2021
中华全国律师协会关于禁止违规炒作案件的规则(试行) (All China Lawyers Association's regulation regarding ban on illegally hyping cases (trial))
All China Lawyers Association, October 20, 2021
長平觀察:荒誕的媒體管制越來越緊 (Chang Ping: China's absurd media regulation is getting tighter)
Deutsche Welle, October 24, 2021
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong’s new rules on accessing gov’t records put journalists at ‘unnecessary’ risk, press group says
Hong Kong Free Press, October 26, 2021
公司及土地查冊下月起須實名 記協憂新聞工作者蒙受不必要法律風險(Company, land record searches require real name registration; Journalists Association fears undue legal risks to reporters)
Ming Pao, October 25, 2021
Ex-head of Hong Kong protest group to spend extra month behind bars after latest conviction for joining illegal rally
South China Morning Post, October 26, 2021
‘Premature, unnecessary’: Tiananmen Massacre activist hits back as Hong Kong gov’t strikes vigil group from Companies Registry
Hong Kong Free Press, October 26, 2021
【光城者案】涉串謀煽動顛覆國家政權 兩未成年被告申保釋被拒(Two underaged defendants accused of conspiring to incite subversion are denied bail)
Stand News, October 26, 2021
Hong Kong’s national security law no concern for law-abiding groups, Carrie Lam says after Amnesty International reveals exit plans
South China Morning Post, October 26, 2021
保安局稱任何指國安法侵蝕自由的指控與事實完全不符(Security Bureau: Claims of National Security Law eroding freedom are inconsistent with facts)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 25, 2021
How Beijing’s top agency in Hong Kong plans to build national identity in city with architects’ help
South China Morning Post, October 26, 2021
80 per cent of Hong Kong teachers struggling with national security education, survey finds
South China Morning Post, October 26, 2021
大律師公會主席夏博義稱原則上支持修改法援制度建議(Bar Association chair Paul Harris says he supports legal aid amendment suggestions in principal)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 26, 2021
UK bank Standard Chartered declines to say if it supports free speech in Hong Kong after marathon runners targeted
Hong Kong Free Press, October 26, 2021