Exposed: China's surveillance of Muslim Uighurs
Al Jazeera, February 1, 2019
Erik Prince company to build training center in China's Xinjiang
Reuters, January 31, 2019
Exposed: China's surveillance of Muslim Uighurs
Al Jazeera, February 1, 2019
Erik Prince company to build training center in China's Xinjiang
Reuters, January 31, 2019
司法部五年改革纲要:四年内律师达62万,设立国家律师学院 (Ministry of Justice announces 5-year reform framework, state-run national lawyers academy to be set up)
The Paper, January 29, 2019
北约秘书长敦促中国依法公正对待被拘押的加拿大公民 (NATO Secretary General urges China to treat detained Canadians “fairly and with due process”)
Voice of America, January 31, 2019
NATO chief: China must treat arrested Canadians fairly
Associated Press, January 31, 2019
Media outlet monitoring Uyghur persecution in China vows to continue work despite ban, arrests
Radio Free Asia, January 31, 2019
中共禁兒童赴寺院學藏文、參與宗教活動 人權觀察促撤禁令 (Human Rights Watch urges authorities to retract ban on Tibetan children attending language classes in monasteries)
The Stand News, January 31, 2019
China: Tibetan children banned from classes
Human Rights Watch, January 30, 2019
妄议中央? 网民被控寻衅滋事 (Netizen faces possible heavy sentence over online speech as court struggles to determine whether content amounts to defamation of country’s leaders)
Radio Free Asia, January 31, 2019
China says it has no motivation to inflate data as Beijing pursues slower but “quality growth”
South China Morning Post, January 31, 2019
这些新规今起实施:侵犯民警执法或被追刑责,金融信息将严控 (Regulations effective today: criminal liability on undermining police authority, tighter control on financial information detrimental to stability)
The Paper, February 1, 2019
维稳新招:北京实名制购买烟花 (Following Xinjiang, Beijing now requires real-name registration and ID verification for fireworks purchases)
Radio Free Asia, January 31, 2019
NGOs urge UN to adopt resolution on China's human rights abuses
Nikkei Asian Review, January 30, 2019
HRIC among 40 NGOs Worldwide Urging UN Resolution on China’s Rights Abuses
Human Rights in China, January 30, 2019
2018年度全国信息安全标准化技术委员会全体会议在京召开 (National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee hosts annual conference, urges use of Xi Jinping Thought to guide cybersecurity standardization work)
Cyberspace Administration of China, January 31, 2019
We need to talk about Huawei: Europe debates ban on Chinese tech giant over fears of back doors in 5G networks
South China Morning Post, January 31, 2019
China eases IPO rules for new tech board
The Standard, February 1, 2019
【專訪】司法覆核爭男性身份 跨性別Q先生:盼助同路人爭取權利 (Interview with Q, the man who challenged Hong Kong’s requirement of full-body surgery as prerequisite of gender reassignment)
The Stand news, January 31, 2019
“坦克人”拉开2019年香港六四纪念活动序幕 (Artwork of the “Tank Man” in Hong Kong’s Lunar New Year’s market begins memorial activities for 30th anniversary of June Fourth)
Voice of America, January 31, 2019
If a government can’t deliver safe vaccines for children, is it fit to rule?
The New York Times, January 31, 2019
China’s attack on human rights and the rule of law continues
The Washington Post, January 31, 2019