The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China orders four US media outlets to disclose finances, staff
Agence France-Presse, July 1, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

FCC designates Huawei, ZTE as risks to national security
The Verge, June 30, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

《港區國安法》解釋權屬全國人大常委會 (NPC Standing Committee reserves all interpretation rights of the National Security Law for Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 1, 2020

【港版國安法】林鄭:容許駐港國安人員直接執法 確保「萬無一失」 (Carrie Lam allows National Security Law agents to enforce directly in Hong Kong, making sure "no one can escape the net"), July 1, 2020

沈春耀指港區國安法不可取代香港特區23條立法 (Shen Chunyao, secretary of the Commission of Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee: the National Security Law is not a substitute for Article 23)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 1, 2020

凡有危害國安言行法官不得獲指定審理危害國安犯罪案件 (Judges who had speech violations before will not be appointed to try national security cases)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 1, 2020

【國安法生效】列明須監督學校、媒體、網絡 加強管理外國駐港 NGO、新聞機構 (National Security Law mandates monitoring of schools, medias, and networks; and enhanced management of foreign NGOs, and press)
The Stand News, July 1, 2020

Hong Kong: hundreds arrested as security law comes into effect
The Guardian, July 1, 2020

‘A calculated weapon of repression’: Democrats, activists, NGOs raise alarm over Hong Kong security law as gov’t hails enactment
Hong Kong Free Press, July 1, 2020

National security law: facing disqualification, or worse, Hong Kong opposition groups head into uncertain election season
South China Morning Post, July 1, 2020

國安法生效 港人7.1續上街 警拘370人 (Despite the National Security Law, Hong Kong people continue protesting on street; police arrested 370 people as of 10PM HKT, 10 suspected of NSL violation), July 1, 2020

球迷喊「利物浦萬歲」被截查 警察指煽動港獨 (Soccer fan chanted "Long live Liverpool" questioned by police for "inciting Hong Kong independence"), July 1, 2020

Explainer: 10 things to know about Hong Kong’s national security law – new crimes, procedures and agencies
Hong Kong Free Press, July 1, 2020

10个争议点 一文看懂港版国安法 (Understand 10 controversial points in the National Security Law for Hong Kong)
Deutsche Welle, July 1, 2020

《港版國安法》納管全世界,在美國喊台獨也可能觸法?一文看對外國人的影響 (Explainer: How the National Security Law for Hong Kong can affect everyone living outside of Hong Kong)
The News Lens, July 1, 2020

大律師公會促特首承諾履行國安法時符合基本法和人權法 (In statement, the Hong Kong Bar Association urges Chief Executive to embrace Basic Law and all Hong Kong Ordinances)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 1, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Bar Association, July 1, 2020

香港記者協會回應國安法:條文嚴苛涵蓋廣泛 (Hong Kong Journalists Association responds to National Security Law: The law is harsh and an overreach)
CitizenNews, July 1, 2020

National security law: US lawmakers condemn Beijing’s move against Hong Kong freedoms
South China Morning Post, July 1, 2020

【港版國安法】蓬佩奧:中國摧毀香港自治 美國不會坐視不理 (Mike Pompeo: China destroys Hong Kong's autonomy; U.S. will not look the other way)
HK01, July 1, 2020

China is breaking Hong Kong treaty with UK, says Boris Johnson
The Guardian, July 1, 2020

英國批評北京明顯及嚴重違反《中英聯合聲明》 (UK criticizes Beijing for violating the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 1, 2020

20多个西方国家敦促中国重新考虑港版国安法的实施 (UK and 27 countries urge China to reconsider implementing the National Security Law in Hong Kong)
Voice of America, July 1, 2020

UK's Ambassador to the WTO and UN in Geneva, Julian Braithwaite, delivered this cross-regional joint statement on behalf of 27 countries.
UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, June 30, 2020

香港国安法生效 欧盟无从施压 (EU is powerless in pressuring China on the National Security Law for Hong Kong)
Deutsche Welle, July 1, 2020

【港版國安法】德國外長:立法影響中歐關係 籲歐盟採強硬立場 (German Minister of Foreign Affairs: The implementation of National Security Law in Hong Kong impacts China-German relations; EU should take a strong stance against China)
HK01, July 1, 2020

英澳律師團體斥國安法立法 令香港司法獨立受壓 (Lawyers' groups from the UK and Australia criticize the National Security Law for suppressing Hong Kong's judicial independence))
CitizenNews, July 1, 2020

Law Council President, Pauline Wright, statement on China imposing security laws in Hong Kong
Law Council of Australia, June 30, 2020

New national security law demonstrates a “chilling contempt” for the principles, fundamental rights and freedoms in Hong Kong
Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales, June 30, 2020

【國安法生效】加拿大更新旅遊提示 提醒國民被拘留或引渡到中國機會提高 (Canada updates travel advisory on Hong Kong; warns citizens of high possibility of arrest and extradition to China under the National Security Law)
The Stand News, July 1, 2020

港版国安法管辖权伸向全球 美国学者叹息需小心出国避免引渡“送中” (National Security Law jurisdiction covers the globe; experts in U.S. express concern over extradition to China)
Voice of America, July 1, 2020

Commentary (评论)

堅守每寸自由土壤 用盡每絲縫隙中的微光 (Steadfast every inches of our land of free; utilize every glimpse of light)
The Stand News, July 1, 2020