The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon join forces to imply Beijing involvement in Wang Jian’s death
South China Morning Post, November 21, 2018

郭文贵爆海航王健案黑幕 (Guo Wengui reveals Beijing involvement in Wang Jian case, establishes foundation for mainlanders under prosecution)
Radio Free Asia, November 20, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

手机电脑地毯搜查?桂林高校“手太长” (Guilin University criticized for “police state” policy to check devices, as concerns spread that practice is already secretly in place in other schools)
Radio Free Asia, November 20, 2018

孙文广失联百日 据信被囚禁在家 (Professor Sun Wenguang held incommunicado for over 100 days after interview with VOA, believed to be under house arrest)
Voice of America, November 20, 2018

採訪碳九事故 女記者被深夜查房「抓嫖」 公安局罕有道歉 認執法不當 (Female journalist investigating chemical leak harassed at night by police on “prostitution hunt,” public security issues rare apology)
The Stand News, November 20, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Beijing pioneering citizens' “points” system critics brand “Orwellian”
Reuters, November 20, 2018

北京推出中国式个人信用评分 被批离奥威尔时代又近一步 (Beijing launches individual credit scores for citizens, criticized as step towards Orwellian state)
Voice of America, November 20, 2018

西藏开展宪法知识在线考试 (Tibet pioneers constitution law test for all government officials)
People’s Daily, November 21, 2018

中国代表:世贸组织需要改革 中国将提出自己的改革方案 (China rep: WTO needs to change, China to make reform proposals)
Beijing News, November 21, 2018

Reports of China hacking “credible” as New Zealand professor reports car-tampering
Radio Free Asia, November 20, 2018

台文化部长:期待中国政府能尊重电影工作者不做政治表态的自由 (Taiwan Minister of Culture calls for China to respect filmmakers’ freedom to not make a political stance)
Voice of America, November 20, 2018

US, China at odds over UN push to fund African peacekeeping
Agence France-Presse, November 21, 2018

China’s melting glaciers are a “wake-up call for the world”, Greenpeace says
Reuters, November 20, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Alphabet chairman struggles with Google CEO's China strategy
Bloomberg, November 21, 2018

China surveillance firms face backlash amid Xinjiang crackdown
Al Jazeera, November 21, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

議事規則委員會過半議員同意修正議員行為不檢處罰機制 (Committee agrees changes to be made on penalty mechanisms for LegCo members’ “misconduct,” but no details yet)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 21, 2018

平機會工作被國際機構評為C級 陳章明承認可做得更好 (Equal Opportunities Commission ranked among bottom 10 by international alliance, Chief blames limited resources)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 21, 2018

陳凱欣:傳媒訪問陳浩天等同宣揚港獨 (Pro-Beijing by-election candidate: Media interviewing Andy Chan is equivalent to spreading Hong Kong independence)
The Stand News, November 21, 2018

Commentary (评论)

佔中九子微紀錄片:他們的傘後時代 (Mini-documentary on the “Occupy Nine”: their post-Umbrella era)
The Initium, November 20, 2018

Taiwanese filmmakers can’t escape Beijing’s grip
Foreign Policy, November 20, 2018

ChinaFile Conversation: Has the world lost sight of Tibet?
ChinaFile, November 20, 2018

The ideological continuum between Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping
China Change, November 19, 2018