The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

周强:对抗拒执行、干预执行等行为零容忍,决不姑息评估作假 (Head of Supreme People’s Court: zero tolerance for non-compliance with court orders)
The Paper, June 21, 2018

China imposes exit bans on U.S. citizens of Chinese descent: report
Radio Free Asia, June 20, 2018

广州教会先遭冲击后被罚五万元 (Guangzhou house church is fined RMB 50,000 after being harassed by police for months)
Radio Free Asia, June 21, 2018

南通强拆户接受外媒采访 家属、声援者屡遭传唤 (Relatives, supporters of forced demolition victims who spoke with foreign media were repeatedly questioned by police)
Radio Free Asia, June 21, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

基层政务公开标准规范化试点持续推进 (Report shows progress in pilot on standardizing norms for local government affairs transparency)
Legal Daily, June 21, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

搜狐转载美退联消息 「人权黑名单」中竟让中国消失 (Chinese online news platform Sohu carries “full-text” translation of Pompeo statement on U.S. withdrawal from Human Rights Council but leaves out China from his “human rights backlist”)
Radio Free Asia, June 21, 2018

Twitter, June 21, 2018

陈一新:集中梳理挂牌督办一批有腐败嫌疑的重大涉黑涉恶案件 (CPC Political and Legal Affairs Commission to supervise major gang-related corruption investigations)
The Paper, June 21, 2018

江西省卫计委:妊娠超14周堕胎需出具证明 (Jiangxi to require family planning certificates for non-medical abortions after 14 weeks of pregnancy)
The paper, June 21, 2018

扶贫审计:28.11亿扶贫资金被骗取套取或挪用 (National Audit Office: more than RMB 2.8 billion misappropriated from poverty funding)
The Beijing News, June 20, 2018

山东东营市委原书记刘士合涉嫌严重违纪违法接受审查调查 (City party secretary in Shandong under investigation for serious discipline and legal violations)
The Paper, June 20, 2018

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

江苏镇江再有老兵维权被打 老兵群体发起游行倡议 (Jiangsu veterans’ rights group marches for third time in one month despite violent crackdown)
Radio Free Asia,June 21, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

China’s Great Firewall: A serious pain in the neck for European and U.S. companies
The Diplomat, June 21, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

自认香港人身份创10年新高认同中华人民共和国者持续最低 (HKU survey shows “Hong Konger” self-identification reaches 10-year high, while that as “PRC Chinese” continues to drop)
Radio France Internationale, June 20, 2018中国/20180620-自认香港人身份创10年新高认同中华人民共和国者持续最低

Fight over controversial Hong Kong rail checkpoint moves to High Court as lawyer warns it could prompt Beijing intervention
South China Morning Post, June 21, 2018

Hong Kong equality watchdog questions removal of LGBTQ-themed library books as backlash grows
Hong Kong Free Press, June 21, 2018

New law on hearsay evidence designed to give Hong Kong’s vulnerable better protection in criminal court cases
South China Morning Post, June 21, 2018

回應七一遊行起點爭議 (Civil Human Rights Front: Response to dispute over starting point of July 1 march)
Civil Human Rights Front, June 20, 2018

Giving part of Handover celebration venue to democracy marchers “may start a riot,” pro-Beijing heavyweight claims
Hong Kong Free Press, June 21, 2018

民主黨:已委律師英國追查 UGL 案 梁振英:續追究林卓廷等人誹謗 (Lawyers hired by Democratic Party hires UK lawyer to pursue alleged C.Y. Leung corruption while Leung charges libeldefamation)
The Stand News, June 20, 2018民主黨-已委律師英國追查-ugl-案-梁振英-續追究林卓廷等人誹謗/

Activists march to Beijing office demanding China release cyber-activist Huang Qi
Hong Kong Free Press, June 20, 2018

Commentary (评论)

Is China building “political re-education” camps for Muslim minorities?
Deutsche Welle, June 21, 2018

李文足尋夫與孟姜女哭長城——為紀念「709」三週年而作 (Wife of 709 lawyer Wang Quanzhang marks third anniversary of husband detention), June 20, 2018

終院要面對自己的政治角色——與馬道立首席法官商榷(On political role of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal)
Ming Pao, June 20, 2018