Pompeo Urges Kazakhstan to Press China Over Xinjiang Crackdown
Voice of America, February 2, 2020
Students from Xinjiang Indoctrinated for ‘Stability Maintenance’
Bitter Winter, February 3, 2020
Pompeo Urges Kazakhstan to Press China Over Xinjiang Crackdown
Voice of America, February 2, 2020
Students from Xinjiang Indoctrinated for ‘Stability Maintenance’
Bitter Winter, February 3, 2020
How the Coronavirus Outbreak Played out on China’s Social Media
The Diplomat, January 31, 2020
無法抵達的物資:民間救援為何遲遲送不到一線醫生手上? (The supplies that never got there: Why aid from civil society struggles to reach frontline doctors fighting coronavirus outbreak)
The Initium, January 31, 2020
Coronavirus: China Red Cross under fire over poor distribution of masks, medical supplies
South China Morning Post, February 1, 2020
Coronavirus Pummels Wuhan, a City Short of Supplies and Overwhelmed
The New York Times, February 3, 2020
As New Coronavirus Spread, China’s Old Habits Delayed Fight
The New York Times, February 3, 2020China opens virus hospital, steadies markets as toll grows
Associated Press, February 3, 2020Coronavirus infections predicted to grow exponentially; first death outside China; outbreak becomes political
Washington Post, February 3, 2020
Quieter Response to Coronavirus in Countries Where China Holds Sway
The New York Times, February 2, 2020
Ethiopians are slamming their government for not stopping China flights
Quartz, February 2, 2020
China’s Israel envoy compares virus travel bans to Holocaust
Associated Press, February 2, 2020
China criticizes U.S. border closure as coronavirus death toll rises
NBC News, February 1, 2020
Coronavirus fears fuel racism and hostility, say British-Chinese
The Guardian, February 1, 2020
China struggling to engineer a baby boom after scrapping one-child policy
The Telegraph, February 1, 2020
Why many Chinese women are giving motherhood a miss – it’s not just the high cost of raising a child
South China Morning Post, February 2, 2020
中國化?澳門「天眼」將增人臉識別 民主派議員質疑 (Macau to use facial recognition in city's surveillance cameras)
Liberty Times Net, February 3, 2020
香港醫護罷工首日:早上約千人參與,工會要求林鄭月娥公開談判 (Thousands of hospital staff join five-days strike, union demands border closure and public negotiation)
The Initium, February 3, 2020
武汉肺炎:香港医护人员罢工 要求“封关”防止疫情扩散 (Hong Kong's doctors and nurses go on strike, demand border closure to prevent further spread of coronavirus)
BBC, February 2, 2020Coronavirus: Hong Kong public hospitals brace for workers’ strike
South China Morning Post, February 2, 2020政府:懇請罷工醫護重新考慮 (Hong Kong government asks medical workers planning to join strike to "reconsider")
Inmediahk.net, February 2, 2020‘We have no choice’: Hong Kong medical workers agree strike over mainland border closures
Agence France-Presse, February 2, 2020
All Hongkongers returning from mainland China should be quarantined, city’s largest pro-Beijing party says as pressure piles on government to step up coronavirus fight
South China Morning Post, February 3, 2020
Coronavirus: Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says total border shutdown with mainland China discriminatory, but will ramp up quarantine measures
South China Morning Post, January 31, 2020Fearing virus, Hong Kong residents stock up on food, essentials
Reuters, February 2, 2020Calls for street cleaners to get better protective gear, as rest of Hong Kong hunkers down for coronavirus storm
South China Morning Post, February 2, 2020
29歲港人石賈墨德國會發言投訴警暴 辭工程師正職開拓歐洲抗爭戰線 (Hong Kong engineer quits job to support lobbying work for protests, gives testimony in German parliament over police violence)
Citizen News, February 2, 2020
China has its own brand of fake news when it comes to human rights and the Uyghurs
Hong Kong Free Press, February 3, 2020
China's reaction to the coronavirus outbreak violates human rights
The Guardian, February 2, 2020
Coronavirus outbreak: quarantining millions in China is unprecedented and wrong
The Conversation, January 31, 2020
The coronavirus crisis is another opportunity for the Hong Kong gov’t to show what it can do: await orders
Hong Kong Free Press, February 1, 2020
Life as a reporter trapped in Hubei, ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak
South China Morning Post, February 1, 2020