Majority of 19,000 People to Be Placed in Jobs are Xinjiang Camp Detainees
Radio Free Asia, August 20, 2020
China Buys Turkey’s Silence on Uyghur Oppression
The Diplomat, August 21, 2020
Majority of 19,000 People to Be Placed in Jobs are Xinjiang Camp Detainees
Radio Free Asia, August 20, 2020
China Buys Turkey’s Silence on Uyghur Oppression
The Diplomat, August 21, 2020
Chinese 709 rights lawyer Xie Yang loses professional licence
South China Morning Post, August 21, 2020
709涉案人权律师谢阳遭“除牌” 当局一锤定音创下恶例 (709 rights lawyer Xie Yang views authorities’ decision to strip his license as an ominous precedent)
Radio Free Asia, August 21, 2020
Xu Zhangrun, outspoken Chinese legal scholar and Xi critic, joins Harvard University
Apple Daily, August 21, 2020
北京已开打新冠疫苗 符合正当程序吗? (Beijing has launched new coronavirus vaccine. But has it gone through proper process?)
Radio Free Asia, August 20, 2020
美国民主党新党纲删除"一中政策" (U.S. Democratic Party has removed "one-China policy" from its new platform)
Deutsche Welle, August 21, 2020
台湾民间成立“中港资观测站” 防堵中国渗透 (Taiwan group sets up "China-Hong Kong-investment observatory" to prevent China's infiltration)
Radio Free Asia, August 21, 2020
通識書送審|教科書作者匿名披露審閱細節:教局務求用字政治正確 (Liberal studies textbook author: Education Bureau demands politically-correct wording)
HK01, August 21, 2020
【審查教科書】團體發起聯署促撤回通識書修訂 鄭家朗呼籲學生杯葛新書 (Student group urges retraction of revised liberal studies textbook; Isaac Cheng Ka-long calls for student boycott)
The Stand News, August 21, 2020
立法會|民研調查顯示較多人反對延任 民主黨擬9月下旬再做民調 (Polls show more people favor leaving LegCo than staying; Democratic Party to survey again in late September)
Ming Pao, August 21, 2020
“刀刃向内”:习近平对政法系统进行“整风” (‘Drive the Blade In’: Xi Shakes Up China’s Law-and-Order Forces)
The New York Times, August 21, 2020