The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Corruption (腐败)

China's Communist Party expels former aide to retired security chief
Reuters, September 11, 2014

华为在中国也受到反腐调查 (Huawei also facing corruption investigation in China)
Radio France Internationale, September 10, 2014中国/20140910-华为在中国也受到反腐调查

Hong Kong (香港)

China asserts paternal rights over Hong Kong in democracy clash
Reuters, September 11, 2014

香港六十多位学者联署力挺罢课学生 (Over 60 scholars sign joint signature campaign in support of Hong Kong student strike)
Voice of America, September 11, 2014

UN人权委员会将讨论香港普选落实状况 (UN Human Rights Committee to discuss status of implementation of universal suffrage in Hong Kong)
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 10, 2014

Human Rights Defenders (人权卫士)

广州郭飞雄案律师被拒复制卷宗拒绝出庭 (Lawyers of Guo Feixiong refuse to appear in court after being barred from reviewing key case files)
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 11, 2014

Guo Feixiong’s Lawyers Will Not Attend Trial if Court Denies Access to Case Materials
Human Rights in China, September 11, 2014

Internet (互联网)

Regulation has helped push internet's booming growth in China, Lu Wei says
The South China Morning Post, September 11, 2014

Lu Wei: the internet must have brakes
China Media Project, September 11, 2014

Media (媒体)

声援高瑜纽约研讨会披露高瑜案背景 (New York seminar in support of Gao Yu discloses background of her case)
Radio Free Asia, September 10, 2014

Migrants (农民工)

The change in China’s hukou policy hasn’t solved the education gap for Beijing’s migrant children
Bloomberg Businessweek, September 10, 2014

Protests and Petitions (抗议和请愿)

China suggests petitioners try venting grievances through video chats
The Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2014

Rule of Law (法治)

Experts call for less police dominance in china legal system
Voice of America, September 10, 2014

中国将建立国家科技报告制度 抄袭作假纳入信用记录 (China to set up a national science & technology reporting system, plagiarism and fraud will be recorded)
China News, September 10, 2014

Society (社会)

调查:逾半中国人认为中日难免一战 (Survey: More than 50% of Chinese think war with Japan unavoidable)
The Financial Times, September 11, 2014

Opinion (观点)

A dark verdict on china's future
The Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2014