The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, April 22, 2022

China's Reach (中国:内控与外扩)

Sceptics of China’s TCM Covid-19 remedy Lianhua Qingwen face online attacks
South China Morning Post, April 22, 2022

China Digital Times, April 21, 2022

抗衡中俄?英国印度签署印太地区防务协议(To counter China, Russia? UK, India sign Indo-Pacific defense agreement)
Deutsche Welle, April 22, 2022

中俄威胁加剧 新西兰与日本拟深化军事合作(New Zealand, Japan plan to deepen military cooperation as Sino-Russian threat intensifies)
Deutsche Welle, April 22, 2022

德国外长: 中国应停止对立陶宛的胁迫手段(German foreign minister: China should stop coercive tactics against Lithuania)
Deutsche Welle, April 22, 2022

亚洲人对美国的看法急剧上升,而对中国的看法有所下滑(Asians' approval of U.S. leadership in the world has risen sharply, while support for that of China declines)
Voice of America, April 22, 2022

Germany, U.S. Lead Approval Ratings in Asia
Gallup, April 22, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

Chinese national living in the Netherlands forced to shut down Twitter account
Radio Free Asia, April 22, 2022

‘Prisoners of conscience’: Jimmy Lai, Joshua Wong among Hong Kong activists nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Hong Kong Free Press, April 21, 2022

圍理大11人涉油麻地暴動不認罪 消防員憶「人踩人」逾30人堆高1.7米(11 plead not guilty to rioting in Yau Ma Tei riots during 2019 PolyU siege)
Ming Pao, April 22, 2022

Law & Policy (法律与政策)

CCP Regulations and Xi Jinping’s Bid for a Third Term
The Diplomat, April 22, 2022

美CECC敦促联合国禁止酷刑委员会不要因中国未提交有关报告而推迟对其人权进行审议(U.S. CECC urges UN Committee against Torture not to delay review of China's human rights for its failure to submit relevant reports)
Voice of America, April 22, 2022

Current Topics (热门话题)

新冠疫情:“封控”带来次生灾害 如何影响上海(Covid-19: How “lockdown” affects Shanghai with secondary disasters)
British Broadcasting Corporation, April 22, 2022

上海封控引发物流乱象:卡车司机被隔离,集装箱堆积如山(Shanghai's lockdown and control cause logistics chaos: Truck drivers are isolated, containers are piled up)
The Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2022