The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Xinjiang (新疆)

Twitter Says It Locked Account of China's US Embassy Over Xinjiang-Related Tweet
Reuters, January 20, 2021

称新疆推文违规 推特锁中驻美使馆帐号 (Twitter disables account of Chinese Embassy in U.S. over posts on Xinjiang)
Deutsche Welle, January 21, 2021

Taiwan (台湾)

Video: Taiwan invited to US inauguration for first time since 1979
Agence France-Presse, January 21, 2021

欧洲议会通过决议案 关切台海紧张局势 (European Parliament passes two resolutions expressing concerns about tensions across Taiwan Strait)
Voice of America, January 21, 2021

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Critic of Chinese President Xi Jinping, fellow activist set to face stiffer charge, sources say
South China Morning Post, January 21, 2021

中国“新公民运动”发起人许志永首次获准与律师视频会见 (More than a year in detention, Xu Zhiyong, founder of China's "New Citizens Movement," is allowed video meeting with lawyer for the first time)
Radio Free Asia, January 21, 2021

Access to Information (公众知情权)

审核工作表现及过往言论 中国记者将接受年度考核 (Chinese journalists to be subjected to annual assessments of work performance and past remarks)
Radio Free Asia, January 21, 2021

新闻记者证年度核验工作开始 擅自开设自媒体将被重点核查 (Journalists to undergo annual inspection for work permit renewals; unauthorized “self-media” accounts a key focus)
People's Daily, January 20, 2021

“公民力量”正式提告“微信监控言论案”集体诉讼 (U.S. NGO Citizen Power Initiatives for China files class action suit against WeChat over speech surveillance)
Radio Free Asia, January 21, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Pompeo among key Trump officials sanctioned by Beijing for ‘disrupting China-US relations’
South China Morning Post, January 21, 2021

中國制裁蓬佩奧等28人 指嚴重侵犯主權負主要責任 禁入境中港澳 (Beijing bans Pompeo and 28 others from entering mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao for violating China's sovereignty)
CitizenNews, January 21, 2021

地方立法规定民族学校用民族语言教学,全国人大:不合宪 (NPC Standing Committee says ethnic minority school teaching in ethnic language is unconstitutional)
The Paper, January 20, 2021

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

騰訊 QQ 遭踢爆讀取用戶瀏覽紀錄 公司道歉並更新版本 (Tencent apologizes for unauthorized access to users' browsing history, issues new version)
The Stand News, January 21, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong district councillors have to swear loyalty to gov’t, top official says
Hong Kong Free Press, January 21, 2021

British government blasts Beijing over threat to stop recognising Hong Kong BN(O) passports
South China Morning Post, January 21, 2021

香港首次引《国安法》封锁网站,港版“防火长城”近在眼前? (Is GFW coming to Hong Kong as authorities block website for the first time citing NSL?)
British Broadcasting Corporation, January 21, 2021

夏博義當選大律師公會主席 關注國安法部分規例違基本法倡修改 (Paul Harris elected chair of Hong Kong Bar Associations, urges amendment of National Security Law provisions that violate the Basic Law)
HK01, January 21, 2021

Commentary (评论)

China’s Oppression of Muslims in Xinjiang, Explained

The New York Times, January 21, 2021

香港隕落記之一:誰率先破壞和分化香港? (The fall of Hong Kong Part 1: Who is first to destroy and divide Hong Kong?)
CitizenNews, January 21, 2021