The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, July 07, 2017

Liu Xiaobo (刘晓波)

醫院深夜再出聲明 指免疫治療欠足夠臨牀證據不宜用 (Hospital: immunotherapy cannot be used to treat Liu Xiaobo because of lack of clinical evidence)
Mingpao, July 7, 2017

China is frantically trying to make sure Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo doesn’t die during the G20
Quartz, July 7, 2017

Friends of ailing Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo ask to see him one last time
The Guardian, July 7, 2017

刘晓波肝功能恶化家属接病危通知 (Liu Xiaobo’s liver function worsens, family receives critical illness notice)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2017

Liu Xiaobo, China's most famous political prisoner, “close to death”
The Guardian, July 6, 2017

Liu Xiaobo vigil: doctors tell Chinese Nobel laureate’s family to prepare for his death
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2017

欧洲议会通过决议 呼吁中国大陆释放刘晓波和李明哲 (European Parliament passes resolution urging China to release Liu Xiaobo and Lee Ming-che)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

人权组织呼吁中国停止迫害维权律师 (Human rights organization calls China to stop persecuting rights lawyers)
Voice of America, July 7, 2017

A human rights lawyer’s notes on the “709 Incident,” two years on
China Change, July 7, 2017

Veteran labor activist Liu Shaoming sentenced to four and a half years for his activism
Hong Kong Free Press, July 6, 2017

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

International NGOs' China operations hit by registration delays under new law
Reuters, July 6, 2017

中国百律师和公民联署《看守所法》公民意见书 (Over 100 lawyers and citizens in China sign letter expressing opinions on Law on Detention Centers)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2017

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

Egyptian police said to detain Chinese Uighurs in wide sweep
Associated Press, July 6, 2017

埃及警方拘捕一批新疆维吾尔留学生 (Egyptian police detain dozens of Uyghur students)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

劉兆佳:不急於一兩年內推23條立法 (Liu Zhaojia: there is no hurry to enact Article 23 in the next one year or two)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 7, 2017

林鄭月娥:23條立法一定要做 惟看幾時及如何去做 (Carrie Lam: Article 23 must be enacted, it’s only a matter of when and how)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 6, 2017

香港民阵批评警黑联手打压示威集会 (Civil Human Rights Front criticizes police and triads for joining forces and suppressing demonstration)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2017

There is a gulf between Hong Kongers and the Communist Party
The Economist, July 6, 2017

Commentary (评论)

林鄭月娥的懷柔詭計 (Carrie Lam’s conciliation trick)
Inmediahk, July 7, 2017

不能讓歪理說得理直氣壯 (False reasoning can’t be allowed to laid out in a righteous way. Beijing should not ask Hong Kong to respect or be fearful of China)
Mingpao, July 7, 2017

加害者譴責受害者 (The perpetrator criticizes the victim. Criticism of Great Britain and Chris Patten)
Mingpao, July 7, 2017