The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Former Detainees in Kashgar Draw Low Salaries, Forfeit Half of Wages to Old Internment Camps
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

美媒披露:新疆新建近两百七十处关押场所 (U.S. media exposé: Nearly 270 new detention facilities in Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps
BuzzFeed News, August 27, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

Podcasting provides a space for free thought in China
The Economist, August 27, 2020

澳洲孔院同意讨论六四 说话算数吗?(Confucius Institute in Australia agrees to discuss June Fourth. But will it keep its word?)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Thousands arrested for 'coronavirus-related crimes' in China
Channel News Asia, August 28, 2020

世卫调查团遭指走马中国未去武汉 (WHO investigation team accused of skipping Wuhan on its inspection mission to China)
Radio France Internationale, August 28, 2020

Failure by WHO team to visit Wuhan sparks concerns over virus probe
Financial Times, August 26

汉化教育引蒙古族人反感 通辽学生家长拒送子女上学 (Sinicization of education provokes resentment among Mongolians; residents of Tongliao refuse to send children to school)
Radio Free Asia, August 28, 2020

瑞中秘密协议曝光 引人权团体担忧 (Exposed Switzerland-China secret agreement raises concerns from human rights groups)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

Swiss explore renewal of ‘secret deal’ with China
SWI, August 23, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

How WeChat Censored the Coronavirus Pandemic
Wired, August 27, 2020

Censored Contagion II: A Timeline of Information Control on Chinese Social Media During COVID-19
The Citizen Lab, August 25, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Meet the transnationals: They moved to Canada but never really left Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, August 28, 2020

調查:逾半受訪市民支持全部民主派議員離開立法會 (54% of surveyed residents favor democratic Legislative Councilors to leave LegCo)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 28, 2020

林卓廷:從沒想過警方以暴動罪拘捕他 憂有更多7.21受害者被捕 (Lam Cheuk-ting: Never thought police would charge me with rioting; fear arrests of more 7.21 Yuen Long Attack victims)
Ming Pao, August 28, 2020

華潤旗下便利店停售《蘋果日報》 (China Resources-owned convenience store, VanGO, stops selling Apple Daily)
Deutsche Welle, August 28, 2020

Commentary (评论)

专访陈光诚:对共产党的绥靖政策再回来,世界将万劫不复 (Interview with Chen Guangcheng: Reviving appeasement policy toward CPC would doom the world)
Voice of America, August 38, 2020