The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, December 07, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

有新疆人憂被關進「再教育營」 決意逃離家園 (More Uyghurs fleeing home in fear of being sent to re-education camps)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 7, 2020

Taiwan (台湾)

'Stronger together': Taiwan foreign minister urges new alliance against China
The Guardian, December 6, 2020

美敲定国防授权法最终版本 重申“挺台压中” (Final version of 2021 National Defense Authorization Act reiterates “contain China, support Taiwan” strategy)
Deutsche Welle, December 5, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Activist held in China after retweeting ‘ink girl’ video of defaced Xi Jinping poster
Hong Kong Free Press, December 5, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

House Votes To Open US Doors To Hong Kong Residents
Agence France-Presse, December 7, 2020

Radio Television Hong Kong, December 8, 2020

Hong Kong national security police unit puts university campus in cross hairs with arrest of three students over rally
South China Morning Post, December 7, 2020

Lifetime ban a possibility for at least one more Hong Kong teacher, education chief says
South China Morning Post, December 5, 2020

Hong Kong crackdown: 14 officials face US sanctions, travel ban
Al Jazeera, December 7, 2020

香港前立法会议员许智峯流亡海外后银行户口遭冻结的来龙去脉 (Story behind former Hong Kong lawmaker Ted Hui's frozen bank account)
British Broadcasting Corporation, December 7, 2020

國安法官蘇惠德收恐嚇 中聯辦譴責損法治挑戰國安法 (Designated National Security Law judge Victor So Wai-tak receives death threat; Liaison Office condemns act as undermining rule of law)
Ming Pao, December 7, 2020

建制政黨「紫荊黨」低調成立 創辦人為瑞信董事 內地出生曾撐國安法 (New pro-establishment Bauhinia Party established by Li Shan, mainland-born supporter of National Security Law)
Stand News, December 6, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

反制中国大外宣 蓬佩奥宣布终止五项美中交流计划 (Pompeo announces end of 5 U.S.-China exchange programs to counter China's global propaganda campaign)
Voice of America, December 5, 2020

Pompeo slaps visa restrictions on Chinese accused of quashing dissent
Reuters, December 4, 2020

蓬佩奥针对中共统战部人员做出新一轮签证限制 (Pompeo imposes new visa restrictions on CPC United Front personnel)
Voice of America, December 5, 2020

China Peddles Falsehoods to Obscure Origin of Covid Pandemic

The New York Times, December 7, 2020

EU adopts human rights sanctions framework styled after Magnitsky Act
Axios, December 7, 2020

Australian Parliamentary Committee Recommends Global Magnitsky Type Legislation
The Diplomat, December 7, 2020

美参院情报委员会两党领袖指“中国为最大威胁” (Bipartisan acting chair, vice chair of U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: “China is the greatest threat”)
Radio France International, December 6, 2020

Rubio, Warner Joint Statement on National Security Threat Posed by China
U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, December 4, 2020

“千人计划”只是冰山一角 中国人才引进需要系统审视 ( “Thousand Talents Plan” is only tip of iceberg; problems involving Chinese scientific experts overseas require systematic scrutiny)
Voice of America, December 5, 2020