The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

最高法院紧急通知要求切实加强当前执法办案工作 (Supreme People's Court Emergency Notice Demands Strengthening Current Works on Law Enforcement and Case Handling)
Supreme People’s Court, September 20, 2017

为民请命13载,安徽民选村主任王凤云十九大前疑被“通缉” (Democratically elected village head Wang Fengyun put on wanted list in Anhui before the 19th National Party Congress for defending villagers’ rights for 13 years)
Weiquanwang, September 20, 2017

国际笔会年会开幕 林培瑞、黎安友等数十人声援浪子 (PEN International holds congress and dozens, including Perry Link and Andrew J. Nathan, support detained Chinese poet Langzi)
Radio Free Asia, September 20, 2017

An emboldened Beijing wields China’s laws to strike at overseas threats
The New York Times, September 20, 2017

China lifts travel ban on feminist activist
Financial Times, September 21, 2017

China's probes of rights lawyers “alarming”: Human Rights Watch
Reuters, September 20, 2017

Access to Information (信息公开)

最高法:将“诉讼化改造”仲裁司法审查 建信息平台 (Supreme People’s Court: to build information platform for judicial review of arbitration)
Xinhua, September 21, 2017

New uni standards needed to counter Chinese censorship bids
The Australian, September 21, 2017

中国大陆外国法制史教学受限 大学生禁借西方书刊 (Education of law hindered in China as university students are banned from borrowing books from the West)
Radio Free Asia, September 20, 2017

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Hundreds of police occupy Beijing market amid anger over closures
Radio Free Asia, September 20, 2017

Government Accountability (政府问责)

十八大以来纪检机关加强自身建设:以担当诠释忠诚 (Party discipline inspection authority strengthens itself since the 18th National Party Congress and demonstrates loyalty through taking responsibilities)
The Paper, September 20, 2017

Nine members of the UN Human Rights Council accused of violating human rights
The Independent, September 20, 2017

Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong in surprise meeting with China’s anti-graft tsar Wang Qishan
South China Morning Post, September 21, 2017

Former aide to ousted Communist Party leader to be removed from home as party congress approaches
Hong Kong Free Press, September 21, 2017

China's “fallen” officials leave gaps, silenced voices in Communist Party ranks
Radio Free Asia, September 21, 2017

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

上海青年网络安全志愿者联盟成立,传播网络安全理念和技能 (Shanghai Youth Cybersecurity Volunteer Alliance established to spread cybersecurity ideas sand skills)
The Paper, September 20, 2017

Shanghai police turn to facial recognition software to catch misbehaving cyclists
South China Morning Post, September 21, 2017

孟建柱:要利用人工智能研究公共安全事件演变规律 (Meng Jianzhu: China must use AI to do research on the changing patterns of public security incidents)
Beijing News, September 21, 2017

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

孟建柱:中国已是世界命案发案率最低国家之一 (Meng Jianzhu: China is one of the countries with the lowest rate of fatal crimes), September 20, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

大專學界聯署聲明:支持港人對港獨可自由發聲 捍衛言論及學術自由 (HK academia sign statement in support of freedom of speech and academic freedom)
Inmediahk, September 21, 2017

中大學生會指移除「香港獨立」橫額不代表屈服於校方 (CUHK student union: removal of HK independence banners does not mean it gives in to the university)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 21, 2017

管理層WhatsApp洩閉路電視截圖 公署指教大侵私隱 (Education University management leaks CCTV screen capture of CCTV footage through WhatsApp; Privacy Commissioner says the University invades students’ privacy)
Apple Daily, September 20, 2017

Last Hong Kong governor: Talk to each other, but avoid hate speech over political views
Hong Kong Free Press, September 19, 2017

彭定康:黃之鋒遭覆核刑期屬政治決定 (Chris Patten: it is a political decision to appeal sentences of Joshua Wong), September 19, 2017

Speaking of independence is getting harder for Hong Kongers
Global Voices, September 20, 2017

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam lashes out at UK politicians for “disrespectful” comments on jailing of activist trio
South China Morning Post, September 21, 2017

Activists march to Law Society HQ protesting lawmaker Junius Ho’s call to “kill” independence advocates
Hong Kong Free Press, September 21, 2017

團體遊行抗議何君堯早前「殺無赦」言論 要求公開道歉 (HK groups demonstrate against Junius Ho’s “kill mercilessly” comment and demand apology)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 20, 2017

被問「殺無赦」言論 何君堯稱是不幸用字 (Junius Ho on his comment of “kill mercilessly”: unfortunate word choice)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 20, 2017