The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Access to Justice (司法公正)

毒品市场萎缩复吸率越来越低 (As drug markets wither, relapse rates of drug users decline)
Legal Daily, November 19, 2016

3.4万法警尽忠职守保障审判执行安全 (34,000 court police loyally safeguard ensure the safe execution of legal trials)
Legal Daily, November 23, 2016

Chinese rights activist who lobbied for lawyers is missing
Associated Press, November 24, 2016

江天勇失联逾24小时 (Jiang Tianyong incommunicado for over 24 hours)
Human Rights in China, November 23, 2016

Access to Information (信息公开)

Film industry promotion law gets mixed reviews at AFM, China co-pro events
China Film Insider, November 23, 2016

BBC returns to would-be Chinese candidate Liu Huizhen
British Broadcasting Corporation, November 24, 2016

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Open letter to the Chinese government and the world media about the suppression of Wukan
China Change, November 23, 2016

Online donation supports jailed labor activist and his family
China Labor Bulletin, November 23, 2016

Coca-Cola workers strike in 3 Chinese cities over sale of bottling operations
Hong Kong Free Press, November 24, 2016

聲援香港雨傘被扣 寇延丁出版經歷後暫未有歸期 (Kou Yanding, who had been detained after supporting Hong Kong Umbrella Movement, has not decided when to return to China after publishing a book about her experience)
Radio France Internationale, November 23, 2016中國/20161123-聲援香港雨傘被扣-寇延丁出版經歷後暫未有歸期

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Former China Resources vice-chairman pleads guilty to graft charges
South China Morning Post, November 23, 2016

郭声琨会见中澳高级别对话第三次会议澳方代表团 (Guo Shengkun, Minister of Public Security, meets Australian delegation for third Sino-Australian high level talks)
Legal Daily, November 22, 2016

China's domestic debate on global governance
The Diplomat, November 23, 2016

China failing to deliver on human rights promises, NGO tells UN
Hong Kong Free Press, November 24, 2016

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Facebook 被指暗中開發審查工具,為進軍中國大陸鋪路 (Facebook allegedly develops censorship tool to get back into China)
The Initium, November 23, 2016

曹建明在第十一届中国法学青年论坛上强调, 推动互联网治理与法治协调发展 (At 11th Chinese Legal Studies National Youth Conference, Procurator-General Cao Jianming emphasizes promoting coordinated development of Internet governance and rule of law)
People's Procuratorate Daily, November 19, 2016

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

互联网将成为未来反恐最重要的新战场, 打击网络恐怖主义亟待加强国际合作 (Internet will become key new battle front in future counterterrorist efforts, combating online terrorism urgently needs international cooperation)
Legal Daily, November 23, 2016

陈旗实现景区外国人管理全覆盖 (Old Barag Banner in Inner Mongolia achieves comprehensive management of foreigners in scenic areas)
Legal Daily, November 19, 2016

China’s Internet is flourishing inside the wall
Financial Times, November 23, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

港各界支持法院取消辱国议员资格 (All walks of life in Hong Kong support court's voiding of credentials of elected Legco members who insulted the motherland)
Legal Daily, November 19, 2016

Disqualified Hong Kong lawmakers attend appeal hearing
Associated Press, November 24, 2016

Number of mainlanders refused entry to Hong Kong for suspected parallel trading drops by half
South China Morning Post, November 24, 2016

76% of non-local university students are from mainland; gov’t auditor urges more diversity
Hong Kong Free Press, November 23, 2016

嶺大畢業禮學生會掛直幡 抗議特首校監必然制 (Huge banner hung on LingnanU graduation ceremony day, protesting chief executive as uni chancellor system)
Ming Pao, November 24, 2016

自治抗爭思潮漫大學 嶺大兩度掛自決直幡 (Self-governance and protest sentiments spread in universities, self-determination giant banner twice hung in LingnanU)
Radio France Internationale, November 24, 2016政治/20161124-自治抗爭思潮漫大學-嶺大兩度掛自決直幡

Commentary (评论)

Will China lift its ban on Facebook?
Al Jazeera, November 23, 2016