US Senate passes Uygur Human Rights Policy Act
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
澳大利亚面对中国贸易反制不退缩 坚持国际调查新冠病毒来源 (Australia to pursue international investigation into origin of COVID-19 despite trade retaliation from China)
Voice of America, May 15, 2020
美国要求中国释放达赖喇嘛选定的班禅喇嘛 (U.S. urges China to release Panchen Lama, designated by the Dalai Lama)
Voice of America, May 15, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
TikTok被指控违反美国儿童隐私法规(TikTok accused of breaching U.S. child privacy regulations)
The Financial Times, May 15, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Anger as Hong Kong watchdog clears police over protest response
The Guardian, May 15, 2020
A Thematic Study by the IPCC
Independent Police Complaints Council, May 15, 2020
Hong Kong legislature pres. replaces democrat with pro-Beijing lawmaker as committee head after filibustering row
Hong Kong Free Press, May 15, 2020
【4.18大圍捕】泛民15人下周一提堂 長毛李卓人等5人將被加控煽惑罪 案件轉介區院審理 ( District Court hearing of 15 arrested democratic figures to begin Monday; Leung Kwok-Hung, Martin Lee and 5 others to face additional charge of “incitement”)
Apple Daily, May 15, 2020
6.12 衝突 反修例運動首名示威者承認暴動罪 22 歲救生員判囚 4 年 (First protester charged with rioting is sentenced to 4 years’ imprisonment )
The Stand News, May 15, 2020
香港必须建立与“一国两制”相适应的新教育体制 (Xinhua: Hong Kong must establish new education system conforming to "one country, two systems" framework)
Xinhua, May 15, 2020
大律師公會函曾國衞促解釋兩辦角色 (Hong Kong Bar Association urges Secretary of Constitutional and Mainland Affairs to explain the status and functions of the Liaison Office)
Ming Pao, May 15, 2020
Letter to Mr Tsang Kwok Wai Erick, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs on the Status and Functions of the China Liaison Office (“LOCPG”)
Hong Kong Bar Association, May 15, 2020
Commentary (评论)
Daniel Dae Kim on ‘Asian-Americans’: Ugly History, Relevant Again
The New York Times, May 15, 2020