‘This is about striking fear’: China’s Taiwan drills the new normal, analysts say
The Guardian, August 10, 2022
China says it has wrapped up war games around Taiwan, as Taipei hits out at fake news
Radio Free Asia, August 10, 2022
‘This is about striking fear’: China’s Taiwan drills the new normal, analysts say
The Guardian, August 10, 2022
China says it has wrapped up war games around Taiwan, as Taipei hits out at fake news
Radio Free Asia, August 10, 2022
Chinese court rejects sexual harassment case appeal in #MeToo blow
Agence France-Presse, August 10, 2022
徐秦狱中瘫痪 辩护律师控告法院院长及法官 (Defender Xu Qin paralyzed in prison, her lawyer issues urgent appeal to complain against court president and judge)
Radio Free Asia, August 9, 2022
河南人权捍卫者李新、何方美夫妇双双入狱近两年 其三未成年子女人权境况堪忧 (Human rights defenders Li Xin and He Fangmei imprisoned for nearly two years, their three young children in dire situation)
Weiquanwang, August 9, 2022
Jailed Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai in new court move to keep contents of his iPhones out of police hands
South China Morning Post, August 10, 2022
Hong Kong national security police arrest 2 gov’t workers over alleged ‘seditious’ social media posts
Hong Kong Free Press, August 10, 2022
荃灣非法集結罪成 攜鐳射筆青年囚5月 另2人分別判囚4月及勞教中心 (3 youths found guilty of illegal assembly: 2 sentenced for 4 months to re-education center, 1 sentenced to 5 months in prison for using a laser pen)
inmediahk.net, August 10, 2022
6人不認罪 排期9.19審 辯方質疑控方視612基金為「個體」(612 fund trial: 6 plead not guilty with trial scheduled for September 19; defense questions the prosecution’s view that the 612 fund is an ‘individual’)
Mingpao News, August 10, 2022
晚報:中方白皮書稱願按「一國兩制」實現和平統一,但不承諾放棄使用武力 (New white paper: China is willing to achieve peaceful reunification with Taiwan under "one country, two systems" but does not promise not to resort to use of force)
Initium Media, August 10, 2022
台湾问题与新时代中国统一事业(The Taiwan Question and China's Unification in the New Era)
Xinhua News, August 10, 2022
計劃生育退場後,被刻意忽視的避孕教育與400萬墮胎青少年 (Inadequate education on contraception and 4 million teens having abortions after end of one-child policy)
Initium Media, August 10, 2022
Chinese solar panels seized at US border over possible human rights abuses
Protocol, August 9, 2022