The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

China's Reach (中国:内控与外扩)

Chinese state media chief vows to toe the line for Communist Party’s national congress
South China Morning Post, September 6, 2022

UK will 'bear consequences' of new leader's hard line on China: Chinese state media
Radio Free Asia, September 5, 2022

China collecting DNA samples from across Tibet, says rights group
The Guardian, September 5, 2022

China: New Evidence of Mass DNA Collection in Tibet
Human Rights Watch, September 5, 2022

China's internet censors have a blindspot: Cantonese
Quartz, September 5, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

China vastly expands use of house arrests under Xi, report finds
The Washington Post, September 6, 2022

Home Becomes Prison – China’s expanding use of house arrests under Xi Jinping
Safeguard Defenders, September 6, 2022

Hong Kong pastor accused of sedition questions accuracy of police audio recording transcript
Hong Kong Free Press, September 5, 2022

Hong Kong national security law: martial arts coach charged with inciting subversion over alleged role in pro-independence group that taught weapons use
South China Morning Post, September 5, 2022

初選47人案】擬認罪黃之鋒等5人高院應訊 3人冀開審前求情判刑 稱還柙多時感焦慮 ([HK47] 5, including Joshua Wong, appear in Court; 3 make pre-trial representations asking for sentencing due to anxiety over pro-longed detention), September 6, 2022

【12港人】內地服刑鄧棨然去信家人 字跡惹疑 稱至今僅收4封信 ([HK12] Tang Kai-yin, imprisoned in mainland China, says in letter to family members he received 4 letters so far from them; family finds handwriting suspicious), September 5, 2022

Law & Policy (法律与政策)

China passes new law to tackle growing telecoms and online fraud
South China Morning Post, September 2, 2022

中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法 (Law of the People's Republic of China on Anti-Telecom and Network Fraud)
Xinhua News Agency, September 2, 2022

Hong Kong says it can target anyone in the world after Canadian journalist charged
National Post, August 31, 2022

Current Topics (热门话题)

Battling Violence and Censors, Women in China Become ‘Invisible and Absent’

The New York Times, September 6, 2022

Earthquake in China’s Sichuan leads to outcry over covid lockdown
The Washington Post, September 6, 2022

中共二十大前夕 一篇“闭关锁国”研究文章如何引发争议(On eve of the 20th CPC Congress, how a research article on the Qing Dynasty policy of "closing the country" sparks controversy)
BBC News, September 6, 2022

China Digital Times, September 2, 2022

Hong Kong’s new war museum, ‘a base for patriotic education’, opens its doors on Victory Day
South China Morning Post, September 3, 2022

中大國安課程「認識中國」 段崇智等三任校長親自教授 學習百年屈辱、中國崛起等 [CUHK national security course, “Knowing China,” to be taught by 3 current, former presidents; contents will include 100 years of shame, the rise of China., September 6, 2022

【通識變公社】香港不是殖民地 人權不能影響國家安全 教科書如何變得「政治正確」? (Liberal Studies revamped as Citizenship & Social Development: Hong Kong is not a colony, human rights cannot affect national security—how textbooks have become “politically correct”), September 4, 2022

Commentary & Analysis (评论与分析)

巨大的荒谬 :二十大前的“清零”,一场全面社会管控的提前演练?(Huge absurdity: "Zero-Covid" before the 20th National Congress—a rehearsal for comprehensive social control?)
Initium Media, September 4, 2022

The Chinese Public Doesn’t Know What the Rules Are Anymore
Foreign Policy, September 5, 2022