穿六四文化衫被失踪 六四酒案超期羁押两年 (Citizen who wore June Fourth shirt disappeared, activists in Chengdu Liusi Jiu case not yet tried despite over 2 years in detention)
Radio Free Asia, June 11, 2018
江西掛「平反六四」標語 三人涉煽動顛覆國家政權被捕 (3 activists who displayed June Fourth banner in Jiangxi arrested for inciting “subversion of state power”)
The Stand News, June 12, 2018
全国首例侵犯烈士名誉案宣判 一网民被判公开道歉 (1st Chinese netizen prosecuted and sentenced to publicly apologize for crime of slandering "heroes and martyrs" since passage of Heroes and Martyrs Protection Act in April)
China News, June 12, 2018
全國首宗侵犯烈士名譽案江蘇開審 男網民被判透過傳媒公開道歉 (1st case of “slandering heroes and martyrs" tried in Jiangsu, netizen sentenced to apologize publicly through the media)
HK01, June 12, 2018
治老赖新招:湖南浏阳法院通过农村广播播报被执行人信息 (Village court in Hunan Province broadcasts debtor’s judgment over public radio system, a practice expected to be expanded to more villages in the future)
The Paper, June 12, 2018