最高法大法官刘贵祥:考虑建设“一带一路”国际商事法庭 (China to set up international commercial court for One Belt One Road Initiative, Supreme People’s Court judge Liu Guixiang says)
Chinanews.com, November 21, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Access to Information (信息公开)
China widens personality cult around “unrivaled helmsman” Xi
Associated Press, November 21, 2017
安徽省下“特急”维稳通知 报道监督类新闻须报批 (Anhui province issues stability maintenance order censoring reports on elderly care, healthcare, housing, and stock market)
Radio Free Asia, November 21, 2017
Australian furor over Chinese influence follows book’s delay
The New York Times, November 20, 2017
EN: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/20/world/australia/china-australia-book-influence.html
CH: https://cn.nytimes.com/asia-pacific/20171121/china-australia-book-influence/
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
上海公民近日上街举牌强烈呼吁中共政权释放全国政治犯 (Citizens in Shanghai hold placards on street demanding release of political prisoners)
Weiquanwang, November 22, 2017
陕西民代幼教师300多人到省教育厅上访维权 (Over 300 teachers in Shaanxi petition at provincial education authority for fair treatment and respect)
Weiquanwang, November 21, 2017
Xi calls on NGOs along Silk Road to enhance cooperation
首届丝绸之路沿线民间组织合作网络论坛在北京开幕 习近平致贺信
Xinhua News Agency, November 21, 2017
EN: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-11/21/c_136768804.htm
CH: http://news.xinhuanet.com/2017-11/21/c_1121988513.htm
Government Accountability (政府问责)
China’s flashy ex-Internet censor faces corruption investigation
The New York Times, November 22, 2017
EN: https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20171122/china-internet-censorship-lu-wei-corruption/en-us/
CH: https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20171122/china-internet-censorship-lu-wei-corruption/
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
Apple’s iPhone X assembled by illegal student labor
富士康郑州工厂非法使用学生加班组装iPhone X
Financial Times, November 21, 2017
EN: https://www.ft.com/content/7cb56786-cda1-11e7-b781-794ce08b24dc
CH: http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001075170
中国警方大数据系统侵犯公民隐私 人权组织批评 (Human rights group criticizes Chinese police’s big data system for invasion of citizen privacy)
Radio Free Asia, November 21, 2017
1.399b entries in China's population database
Xinhua News Agency, November 21, 2017
Skype pulled from China's app stores
Reuters, November 21, 2017
Hong Kong (香港)
王晨指港獨零容忍 港區人大選舉必須牢固樹立一國意識 (Beijing Official says Central Government has zero tolerance towards Hong Kong independence, and Hong Kong NPC election must uphold “One Country”)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2017
Bailed Hong Kong democracy activists Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow urge prison reforms
Hong Kong Free Press, November 21, 2017
Commentary (评论)
港人為何要為中共建黨百周年奮鬥? (Why do Hongkongers have to fight for 100th anniversary of founding of CPC)
Mingpao, November 22, 2017
The national anthem dilemma: Contextualizing the political dissent of football fans in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, November 21, 2017
专访:鲍彤评“中国是最大民主国家” (Bao Tong comments on “China is world’s biggest democracy”)
Deutsche Welle, November 20, 2017