Chinese Doctor Says She is Safe And Well Amid Concern She Was Detained
Radio Free Asia, April 14, 2020
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Counterterrorism (反恐)
Coronavirus pandemic and protests highlight need for national security legislation in Hong Kong, says Beijing’s top official in city
South China Morning Post, April 15, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days
Associated Press, April 15, 2020
四部门:外籍人员集中隔离产生的费用由个人负担 (Four-ministry joint announcement: foreigners in collective quarantine to be responsible for their own expenses)
Beijing News, April 15, 2020
对话美威州议长 中国外交官"私信"求称赞始末 (Head of Wisconsin State Senate: Chinese consulate seeks praise for China’s coronavirus control)
Radio Free Asia, April 14, 2020
Chinese Consulate Asked Wisconsin State Senate to Praise CCP for ‘Sharing Key Information’ about Coronavirus, Emails Show
National Review, April 14, 2020
法媒:疫情下广州排斥非洲人种族主义浪潮激怒非洲舆论 (French media: Guangzhou's discrimination of Africans in epidemic ignites anger across continent)
Radio France Internationale, April 14, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong top judge denies ‘any form of interference’ by Beijing over city’s judicial independence
South China Morning Post, April 15, 2020
駱惠寧:香港維護國安機制不完善 違法者得不到懲治惹仿效 (Luo Huining: national security mechanism in Hong Kong is imperfect, lack of punishment against violators will attract imitators)
Stand News, April 15, 2020
中聯辦駱惠寧主任就「全民國家安全教育日」網站開通致辭 (Speech of Luo Huining, head of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, at launch of National Security Education Day 2020 website)
Hong Kong Policy Research Institute - Hong Kong Vision Project, April 15, 2020
林鄭:反修例示威引發大量暴力事件 近乎恐怖主義 不有效遏制可能危害國家安全 (Carrie Lam: numerous terrorist-like violent incidents during anti-extradition protests can harm national security if not contained)
Stand News, April 15, 2020