The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Yang Hengjun: Scott Morrison says China's spy claims “absolutely untrue”
The Guardian, August 28, 2019

杨恒均案受关注 澳总理:不因捍卫国民权益道歉 (“We make no apologies for standing up for one of our citizens,” says Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in pressing for Yang Hengjun’s release)
Deutsche Welle, August 29, 2019

Canada deports Chinese dissident, brushing off concerns he faces jail
The New York Times, August 29, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

微信传达赖喇嘛法像 一藏人遭拘 (Tibetan arrested for posting Dalai Lama picture on WeChat)
Radio Free Asia, August 28, 2019

Chinese propaganda finds a Thai audience
Foreign Policy, August 28, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Hong Kong activists booted from Montreal Pride parade after alleged pro-Communist threats
CBC News, August 27, 2019

维吾尔学者伊力哈木被提名欧洲人权奖 (Jailed Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti nominated for Václav Havel Human Rights Prize)
Radio Free Asia, August 28, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Policeman who pointed shotgun at Hong Kong protesters is among 10 officers invited to Beijing celebrations for 70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China
South China Morning Post, August 29, 2019

Australia takes action against Chinese influence on campuses
Financial Times, August 28, 2019

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Huawei ban: More than 130 US companies blocked from selling to Chinese tech giant
Independent, August 28, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

民陣岑子杰與友人遇襲 遭兩蒙面漢持壘球棍鐵通攻擊 友人受傷送院 (Civil Human Rights Front convenor attacked by masked men carrying iron rods, accompanying friend hospitalized)
Stand News, August 29, 2019

Organiser of banned Hong Kong protests attacked by masked men with baseball bats on same day demonstration bid rejected
South China Morning Post, August 29, 2019

With Hong Kong in turmoil, questions grow over leader’s refusal to offer concessions to protesters
Washington Post, August 28, 2019

消息:林鄭探望警署時 保證不設獨立調查委員會 「係我唯一可以為警隊做的事」(“This is the only thing I can do for the police force”: Sources say Carrie Lam promised not to set up independent commission of inquiry during visit to police station)
Stand News, August 28, 2019

九二九三全民罷工救港 不排除繼續果斷升級 (Hong Kong protesters announce general strike on September 2 and 3), August 28, 2019

中學生發動 9 月 3 日罷課 政府如不回應行動或升級 堵校門阻交通 (Secondary school students’ alliance to start class boycott on September 3, sets 10 days deadline, will block school entrances if no response from government)
Stand News, August 29, 2019

Hong Kong protests: Chinese University welcoming event for new starters turns into anti-government rally
South China Morning Post, August 29, 2019

國泰更新員工守則 鼓勵舉報同事違規 (Cathay Pacific encourages employees to “whistleblow” colleagues participating in illegal activities, updates code of conduct and social media policy)
Stand News, August 29, 2019

Cathay denounced for firing Hong Kong staff after pressure from China
The Guardian, August 28, 2019

【MeToo集會】三萬人逼爆中環 斥警方圖以性暴力噤聲 (30,000 people join #MeToo march to condemn police sexual violence against female protesters)
Stand News, August 28, 2019

#ProtestToo: Hongkongers adopt anti-sexual harassment rallying cry in response to police assault allegations
Hong Kong Free Press, August 29, 2019

Half of Hong Kong youngsters who sought help for emotional problems related to anti-government protests suffer from depression, study finds
South China Morning Post, August 29, 2019

A shadowy website is offering big money for Hong Kong protesters to snitch on each other
Vice News, August 28, 2019

‘A nuclear option’: Hong Kong and the threat of the emergency law
The Guardian, August 28, 2019

City on edge: Photographs from Hong Kong’s summer of protest
The New York Times, August 28, 2019

Commentary (评论)

How Hong Kong protesters are turning off their mainland Chinese supporters
South China Morning Post, August 29, 2019