The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

“扫黑除恶”入疆 少数民族被“黑”? (As anti-triad campaign enters Xinjiang, Muslims fear retroactive prosecution of minor offenses as “triad” crimes)
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

HRIC note: Article also reports that Internet police imposed “ten prohibitions” on WeChat groups, vowing prosecution of dissemination of any content or speech “unfavorable to state, Party, society . . . anytime, anywhere.”

Successful Uyghur developer confirmed detained by Xinjiang authorities
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese authorities detain Tibetan student who decried lack of government jobs in Tibet
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

国际特赦呼吁中国公安部长立即释放高智晟 (In open letter, Amnesty International urges China’s Minister of Public Security to immediately release rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng)
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

Urgent action update: Disappeared activist at risk of torture
Amnesty International, April 16, 2019

Chinese police hold another ethnic Mongolian writer over protest
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

微博封殺女同志群組 性小眾團體恐審查變本加厲 (Weibo bans lesbian chat topic, gender minorities fear worsening censorship)
The Stand News, April 16, 2019

国家网信办启动小众即时通信工具专项整治,关停9款APP (Cyberspace Administration of China shuts down 9 messaging apps, says anonymous registration and private groups functions enable fraud and sexual solicitation)
The Paper, April 16, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Dissidents, petitioners under house arrest, silenced for Xi Jinping's Chongqing trip
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

澳門中聯辦主任傅自應晤宋楚瑜 盼親民黨堅決反對台獨 (Macau’s Liaison Office meets with Taiwan presidential candidate James Soong, hopes his party will firmly oppose Taiwan independence)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 17, 2019

蔡英文:赴台宣揚一國兩制、武力統一者 必要時拒絕入境 (Tsai Ing-wen: Where necessary, Taiwan will ban entry of promoters of One Country, Two Systems and military unification)
The Stand News, April 16, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong lawmakers prepare for tug of war over extradition law update as gov’t sets July deadline
Hong Kong Free Press, April 17, 2019

【逃犯條例】民主派倡日落條款修例取代政府方案 「特事特辦」移交陳同佳 (Democrats urge “sunset clause” to handle Taiwan murder case in place of controversial amendment as LegCo Bills Committee holds first meeting)
Ming Pao, April 16, 2019

【逃犯條例】民陣本月底再辦遊行抗議「送中條例」 (Rights group to organize second march to protest extradition law amendments), April 17, 2019

香港各界商會聯席會議倡移交門檻升至判監7年以上罪行 (Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference proposes raising threshold for amended rendition requests to crimes with 7-year prison sentences)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 17, 2019

1 in 5 journalists say they were pressured to report less on Hong Kong independence – survey
Hong Kong Free Press, April 17, 2019

中联办主任称香港维护国安“只有一国之责,没有两制之分” (Liaison Office: On national security, Hong Kong only has the responsibility of One Country, but not the difference of Two Systems)
Voice of America, April 16, 2019

Commentary (评论)

中国缺乏的不是自由精神,而是保障自由的制度安排 (What China lacks is not liberalism, but systemic arrangements to protect freedom)
Financial Times, April 17, 2019

US and China in ideological battle for the future, defence official says
South China Morning Post, April 17, 2019

專訪憲法學者張千帆:憲政文明的暖流會融化中國體制的堅冰 (Interview with constitutional scholar Zhang Qianfan: The warmth of constitutionalism will melt the ice of the Chinese system)
The Initium, April 16, 2019